Chapter 37

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Christmas pt.2

Once they got to the Burrow, Fred and George immediately ran out to see their favorite Diggory.




"If it isn't our-"

"Favorite Diggory."

"Ahhh Fred and George, you make my heart soft."

The twins made faces as they turned to Cedric.


"You see-"


"Bloody hell Lin, who else did you tell about that?" Cedric asked, looking at the girl next to him.

"What? They are my best friends." Adeline shrugged.

"ADDI!" The twins shouted as they both hugged Adeline.

"Erm hello, Fred and George," Harry said as he coughed awkwardly.

"Oh hello, Harry." The twins said muffled.

"Well let's go boys," Adeline said as they made their way to walk in.

Once they walked in, Mrs. Weasley rushed everyone to the table as they all sat down to eat.


Adeline made her way up the stairs to Ginny's room since she rushed to her room after she received an owl.

"If it isn't my favorite redhead," Adeline said as she walked in.

"Ahhh my favorite Diggory." Ginny smiled looking up from her desk.

"How are you? Heard you broke up with Dean?" Adeline asked.

"Yeah, I did since in a way I thought I was erm I don't know leading him on..." Ginny trailed off.

"Does it have anything to do with what you talked to me about over summer?" Adeline asked.

Ginny was quiet for a moment turning to look back at her letter, "Yeah it does."

Adeline smiled at the girl, "Luna?"

"Yeah," Ginny smiled, "Luna"

"And does she?"

"I don't know," Ginny said with a small smile, "There are things she does and says that makes me think she does but I'm not sure."

"Like what?"

"She holds my hand randomly, kisses my cheek a lot, always draws portraits of me when we sit by the lake, always looks for me in the halls and so much more but I don't know Adeline, what if I'm just lying to myself and none of this is true or not even happening-"


"What if I'm reading this all wrong-"


"What if she isn't looking at me and someone else-"

"Ginevra!" Ginny immediately stopped rambling. "She likes you, I was in denial when Theodore did those things to me, and look at Theodore and me now."

"No it's different, you're a girl and Theodore is a boy, I'm a girl and Luna is a girl, we will never be accepted in both the muggle and wizarding world," Ginny said.

"Who is to say what gender is supposed to be together? Who is to say girls and boys have to be together? Why should anyone other than you have a say on who you love?" Adeline moved to sit next to the girl to hug her, "Love doesn't have a gender, if you love her then you love her, no one is telling you what to do, it's all on whether you decide what you want to do for yourself."

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