mall haul

41 7 1

^ yoo it rhymes

okay so i just came back from the mall

and i bought a lot of shit

mostly clothes


so first i went to macy's 

i dont think macy's is very international??? it may be only a US thing?? idk i'm not sure. but macy's is basically a store that has EVERYTHING. like EVERYTHING. baby clothes, kids clothes, teens clothes, womens clothes, mens clothes, microwaves, christmas stuff, chocolate. in the macy's store that i go to, there's a starbucks inside. yup.

so i got this top at macy's. it's gray with black sleeves. that's about it.

then i bought something from this line called "marylin monroe" my mom was like "this doesn't make sense, if marylin monroe is dead, who's designing the clothes?" and i was like idk. but i bought this really loose flowy tank top that had different parts of her face on it idk it was gray it was cute it's my aesthetic i bought it. 

then i bought this coat. idek what kind of coat it was. it's kinda like a mini trenchcoat??? idk but it was black and it made me look cool lol

then i made my mom go into claires


they have these really cute bows that i really love

my mom was like "i don't like them they remind me of the 80s" but whatever i think i look cute in them, like a young ariana grande

i got a black lace one and a white and blue floral on

my mom also bought an mlp bag for my sister bc it was $5 lol

there was also a really cheap looking 1D hat that i saw

it had zayn on it 


i then went to american eagle and my mom was pissed bc i had a gift card for it but she left it at home lol

i bought a pair of shorts, but when you sit down it looks like a skirt

and i bought a pair of jeans that were kinda like olive green i guess??? idk they were comfy




they were like slim sweat pants and it was made to see like trousers BUT IT WAS SWEAT PANTS LIKE YOU CAN DO GYMNASTICS IN THEM. i didn't get them though, but i'm glad that this generation is finally seeing what is important in life. 

and i also bought a black lace tank top bc i like lace.

okay then i went to aeropostal bc bethany mota is bae and i like her stuff

i bought a skirt from her

it was black

i bought two black skirts there actually

and a floral top 

then i went to panera

and i am full and i smell like chicken and salad dressing


also, can i mention how hard it was trying to find stuff that i liked??

i guess the new trend now is boho. like lace and floral and earth tones and weird patterns

like no thats not my aesthetic

well, i guess it is, if its black or gray. but black or gray isnt earth tones so it was hard okay 

but whatever i am set for spring/summer 

and woah this is over 500 words long okay bye now ttyl mwah

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