being a tourist

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I was a tourist today. so, I've lived in NYC my whole life and never saw the statue of liberty. sad, I know right. so I went to see the statue. we couldnt have picked an even worst day to go see it. it was humid as hell, making me sweat and my hair frizzed up. yeah. not pretty. and I had to climb stairs to get up the statue bc the elevator was out of order. and we had to go on a boat. I wanted to faint. and the bus coming back home was late. I wanted to die.

and it was also my first time trying a frappe at Starbucks. not doing it again. it was alright, but it tastes too much like a milkshake. if I wanted a milkshake I would be gotten a milkshake. I wanted coffee. but their coffee sucks. it tastes weird.

should've went to see the empire state building. at least there's an elevator there. I think.

oh, and there was also a bull statue. a bunch of teenagers were touching the balls of the bull and taking pictures. and I saw a cute gay couple. I guess that part was alright.

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