
36 10 4

sigh it's just one of those days where i cry for a lot of reasons and no reasons at all

by cry, i mean i hold back my tears bc people are in the house and i just hate crying in front of people

i think i've gotten really good at holding back my tears over the years

but believe me i feel them

it's good

then tonight i'll just cry myself to sleep haha

okay, but there's like a lot of reasons why i'm crying

some happy reasons some i guess sad reason

the sad reason is that i'm graduating middle school soon and i'm just so so so sad

like graduation practice depresses me so much

"ITS A JoYFUL TIME" the teacher says

i really don't want to go to high school

also that reminds me, i need to email my high school about shit

what the fuck actually

one happy thing is, that even though that i might lose all my amazing friends in high school (by all i mean like 3 or 4. maybe 5 if im desperate) I STILL KEEP YOU GUYS!!!

please dont unfollow me

honestly you guys have no idea how much you make my life better

like believe it or not, i do not share much of my life on here

crazy, right? i write these long ass 300-600 word updates for you everyday and i'm not even sharing you most of my life or thoughts.

compared to other people (like in our little fandom/group thingy, on wattapad, social media in general) i obvi don't have much followers, but really every single one of you just mean the world to me, even if i don't know you

sorry for being so fucking sappy omg

but thank you !!!!!!!!

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