gross things

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yesterday a fuckboy called me "liv" and i almost screamed

he's generally nice to me i guess

so we were in italian right

and we got a seats switched so im no longer with my friends ):

but anyways im like surrounded by boys

theres only two girls at my table and one of them is me

the other one is some girl i barely talk to

theres 3 cute boys and 3 fuckboys

1 fukboy i hate with a passion bc he called fob gay

anyways, so this fuckboy was calling my name and he was whispering "olivia" and i didnt respond to him at first

then he said "liv" and im just like

who the fuck gave you the permission to call me that

u little fuckboy

okay also just now the grossest shit just happened to me

so my window is opened and the cool air is v nice

and i got up to look out the window and do that "when will my love return from the war" thing

even though the setting isnt that romantic like im in my room in the middle of nyc and its cloudy out and theres kids across the street murdering each other over a game of basketball

but whatever i just went with it

anyways, i accidentally put my finger in my windowsill

and holy fuck

holy fuck

i screamed

i never realized how dirty they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dedicate my entire life to the lord and savior jesus christ and this is the thanks i get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i used like a whole roll of paper towels to clean that shit aND ItS STILL NOT V CLEAN

im done bye

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