Save me (2yeon)➿ ✅

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Jeongyeon has Hanahaki Disease. Hanahaki Disease is a condition wherein a person will have flowers growing out from their lungs because of one-sided love. Basically, Jeongyeon has a crush on Nayeon but Nayeon doesn't feel the same. Enjoy!

"Jeongyeon, your cough is getting worst. Are you sure you don't want to take surgery?" Jeongyeon's friend Dahyun concerned for her friend. "I'm fine Dahyun-ah. Thanks for your concern." Jeongyeon replied weakly. "FINE?! Look at yourself Jeongyeon! I know you love her very much but please, you're killing yourself slowly." Dahyun shouted. She really didn't mean to but she just cares so much for her friend's life. "Well, isn't it better? If I die soon, all the misery I'm feeling will be gone, my life will be peaceful." Jeongyeon smiled at the thought that soon she'll die and her life will be at peace. "I don't mean to say this but, FUCK YOU AND YOUR SELFLESS ASS, SHE MIGHT NOT LOVE BUT WHAT ABOUT US?! YOUR FRIENDS?! WE CARE ABOUT YOU, Me personally, don't you care about us anymore? We will be very sad without you. I hope you reconsider your decision, I'll be going home now." Dahyun left Jeongyeon's house.

How did Jeongyeon even got the disease in the first place? Well it started last year, it was summertime. Jeongyeon and her 8 friends were together. Her friends are named Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Nayeon. Yes Nayeon, they were friends.

So back to the story, Jeongyeon and Nayeon are very very close friends. They do nearly everything together. But, what Nayeon didn't know, is that Jeongyeon has a big fat crush on her.
Jeongyeon kept all of her feelings deep inside her and doesn't really plan on confessing them.

And so there was a time that they had a road trip and Nayeon and Jeongyeon were alone in a Hotel room. The two were playing never I have ever, It was Jeongyeon's turn to ask so she asked if Nayeon ever had a crush on someone, regardless the gender. And Nayeon's answer was very unpredictable, she said yes. She said she has a crush on their senior, Yeri.

Of course, it broke Jeongyeon's heart to dust, and that's where she started to cough petals. She didn't let anyone know, until the time Dahyun caught her in the bathroom. Dahyun promised to never tell anyone about her friend's condition.

At first, Jeongyeon only coughs like 2-3 petals but as time passed, they bacame more and it started to have blood in it.
Dahyun became concerned and suggested Jeongyeon to take surgery but Jeongyeon politely refused. She didn't want to forget her first love and she'd rather suffer than to forget and move on.

Back to the present time. After Dahyun left, Jeongyeon started to get weaker until she collapsed at night, good thing Dahyun left her hat in Jeongyeon's house. Dahyun immediately called an ambulance and quickly went to the hospital.

Jeongyeon woke up after a few hours and the doctor told her that she will only last for three days if she still didn't take the surgery. All their friends went except for Nayeon because she had an important thing to do.

After all her friends left, Nayeon finally had time. She knew from the doctor that Jeongyeon has Hanahaki. "Jeongyeon am I the cause of your sickness?" Nayeon straight up asked Jeongyeon. "Sad to say but yes, I know that you don't like me so please don't feel guilty, I will not take surgery because it will be nonsense if I live but I will not know you. I'd rather die being happy." Jeongyeon coughed more petals. "Stop it, I'll confess, I love you very much. Not just because I don't want you to die, It's because it's true. I only said I like Yeri because I didn't wanna confess to you. I was afraid, but now I'm sure. I made up my mind, I love you very much. Please don't die." Jeongyeon's lungs started to get clear, finally Nayeon confessed.

It's been a month and Jeongyeon has been doing better, her relationship with Nayeon got stronger and nothing can stop them from loving each other now.


Madzone out(poof)

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