Feelings are meant to be shown (Satzu) ➿

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Sana had been in love with Tzuyu for as long as she could remember. She had always admired the Taiwanese girl's beauty and grace, and she found herself constantly daydreaming about her. But as much as Sana longed for Tzuyu's affection, she knew that it was impossible. Tzuyu was her friend and nothing more, and Sana didn't want to risk ruining their friendship by confessing her feelings.

Despite her attempts to suppress her feelings, Sana found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with Tzuyu. She couldn't help but think of her all the time, and her heart ached with longing every time she saw Tzuyu smile at someone else.

One day, Sana began to feel a strange sensation in her chest. At first, she thought it was just a passing pain, but it soon became more severe. She found herself coughing up petals of various colors, and she knew immediately what was happening: she had Hanahaki disease.

Hanahaki disease was a rare illness that only afflicted those who were deeply in love but unable to confess their feelings. It caused the victim to cough up flowers and petals, which could eventually lead to suffocation if left untreated.

Sana knew that her love for Tzuyu was the cause of her Hanahaki disease, but she couldn't bring herself to confront her friend. She didn't want to burden Tzuyu with her feelings or make their friendship awkward.

As her condition worsened, Sana's friends became increasingly worried. They didn't know the cause of her illness, but they could see that she was in pain. Sana refused to tell them the truth, but eventually, one of her friends figured out the cause: Tzuyu.

Sana's friend confronted Tzuyu, who was shocked to learn the truth. She had no idea that Sana was in love with her, and she felt terrible for causing her friend so much pain. Tzuyu rushed to Sana's side, apologizing profusely and promising to do whatever she could to help.

With Tzuyu's support, Sana was able to receive treatment for her Hanahaki disease. Over time, she began to recover, and her love for Tzuyu began to fade. While it was still painful to see Tzuyu with someone else, Sana knew that their friendship was more important than her unrequited love.

In the end, Sana learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of keeping her feelings bottled up inside. While it was scary to confess her love, she knew that it was better than suffering in silence. And with Tzuyu's support, she knew that she could get through anything.

Yes, this is like the 2yeon chap here also but this one has a different outcome:)

Madzone out (poof)
Mar 13 2023

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