Chapter One

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        There she stood, in the motel parking lot, standing face to face with Toby Cavanaugh, looking straight into his glowing blue eyes.  From this point of view he didn't seem like a monster.  She almost felt bad about accusing him of murdering Alison.  After all, he had taken full blame for 'The Jenna Thing', even if she was his stepsister and it was actually Ali who had thrown the stink bomb. 

        Spencer didn't know why she cared so much about finding Ali's killer, Ali was a vindictive, lying bitch who had everything Spencer wanted.  Maybe she cared because she wanted to prove she was innocent.  Spencer wasn't exactly considered a saint in Rosewood.  He wasn't either, but at least he was good at scrabble.  And then Toby Cavanaugh did the unexpected.  He kissed her.  "I was not expecting that," she says lightly.  He smirked, "Me neither."

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