Chapter Eight

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They sat in Emily's room, painting their nails and gossiping about things like relationships and the newest fashion trends.  Hanna stared at Spencer's brand new phone lying on Emily's bed.  It was 6:30 and the plan still hadn't been put into action.  So, Hanna decided to take matters into her own hands.  She subtly moved her fingers over to where a bottle of Rubylicious Nail Polish sat on the floor.  

"Oops,"  Hanna lied, trying to sound innocent.  Spencer stood up in shock.


"Sorry!  I'm so clumsy, I didn't mean to," Hanna tried.  She looked over to Emily, who was keeping an intense stare on Hanna.  Spencer just looked frustrated.

"It's okay, my mom probably has something that can get the stain out.  Follow me," Emily hesitantly played along, leading Spencer out of the room.

Aria immediately dove to Spencer's phone, but found it locked.  "Do you know what Spence's pass code is?" she asked.

"Try 1789," Hanna whispered.

The phone unlocked and Aria was puzzled at how Hanna was able to crack the code so quickly.

"The French Revolution," Hanna stated.  "I'm not stupid."

"Oh My God!" Aria shrieked.  

"What is it?" Spencer called, entering the room.  "Are you guys okay?"

"Spencer, you're seeing Toby Cavanaugh?" Aria held up her phone.  "Do you know how dangerous he is?"

"What?" Spencer practically yelled.  "Toby is not dangerous.  Also, you went through my phone without my permission." 

"I can't even believe you right now.  Honestly, I don't think I can stay here tonight."

"Then don't," Spencer hissed.  Aria stormed out.  Spencer sank to her knees, crying.  

Author's  Note

Sorry Guys! I have been so busy, I just moved in with my sister I promise to update a lot more now. Also,  In season 1, Spoby was hunting for the number 214.  That's how many pages are in Catcher In The Rye, aka Spoby's book!

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