Chapter 5-New Member

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    Thongar walked slowly but decisevely into the corridor that led to the main dungeon. He greeted Fenry the doorkeeper one of the most exprerienced Assasins and one of Elladan's closest friends.

-Good morning Fenry.

-Good morning Thongar, The Shadowmaster is waiting for you in the library, i think you got some studing to do lad.

-I ll bear that in mind Fenry, i wanted to take a little walk into the Dungeon before i head to the llibrary.

   Thongar moves fastly into the corridor's end, he as used by know about how everything worked here. All the torches were lit, making the movement easier for him. Then he finally reached a small archway that led to the big Dungeon. He was high in a stone wall that the recruits and the other members of the Guild used to practise their climbing and other skills. Means for a fast escape Elladan had told him on of the first days he has there. He. climbed down the wall, it was much easier now than the first time he tried to do it. He moved then quiclky to find the archway that lead upstairs to Elladan's office and the library. Thongar opened the door slowly, a little bit he listened to Elladan talking to someone. Thongar overheard the last words Elladan said.

-I knew that this day would come. Now go you must inform the other.

    Elladan left the Office and same time Thongar closed the door too. He did not know if he had to reveal himself or not, but without overthinking it he opened the door desecively and reached the Office and the library which is actually the same room seperated only by two large bookcases filled with books. Thongar walked amongs the books reading the titles while Elladan returned along with Adira.

-Hello Thongar i hope you had a good morning. Adira mentioned that you had some bad dreams of lately.

-Yes i think, it is due to the hard training and working at the blacksmith. I still get hid sometimes.

Adira laughed at that statement but looked at Thongar with a smile.

-So let's begin. A recruit of the Thieve's Guild has to learn about his history along with his physical skills and all the other techniques. You have to know about how everything started, about the legendary Elfstan Farfoot.

Elladan walked close to his office and picked up a book and showed Thongar the book.

-If you recollect, that was the book that caught your attention, the very first time you got here at my Mansion.

Thongar looked at the book realising that this was actually true. Thongar took the book in his hands and opened it and found Elfstan's story in the index. He turned to that page. Elladan began the lecture about the first Shadowmaster of them all, the Origins of the Guild and how the Guild was organised. Elladan spoke about Elfstan with great respect and admiration.

-So let me get this straight in order to become a Shadowmaster you have to pass all those ranks? Thongar asked.

-Before you step into the last rank of the Shadowmaster you have to be the first rank. Let me repeat all the Ranks of the Guild.

1st Beggar-After your training is complete, you got dressed in old clothes, disguise your self as an old man or woman, and mainly your mission is to spy on targets the Guild has set.

2nd Thief- The thieves have to steal money in order to maintain their upkeep but the main goal is to steal important artefacts and heirlooms for the Guild. 

3rd Assasin-I think Thongar that this is crystal clear once you get promoted to Assasin your goal is to kill in secresy (if you can) the targets that the Guild sets and when i say the Guild i mean its leaders.

4th Shadowmasters-The leaders of the Guild. As you understand i am one of the Thongar. There are not many of us because in order to become a Shadowmaster you have to complete a series of difficult tasks. We are responsible for the setting the tartets of the Guild, organising the Guild and expanding the Guild.

Thongar was looking in despair, so in order to climb the ranks of the Guild i have to start as a Beggar and the Thief?

-If you manage to pass the test Elladan sets for you. Adira answered.

Look at little Thongar who wants to be a Shadowmaster in only a few weeks.

-You have passed all the tests? Thongar asked Adira.

-If she did not passed all the test she would not have been an Assasin and not only that, she is the Captain of the Assasins. Elladan responded.

-What kind of test i have to pass in order to change rank. Let's say i am a Beggar and i want to be a Thief. Thongar asked.

-If i believe that you are ready to get promoted i am going to call you here in my office and set a target for you. You have to steal something important that the target owns and bring it to me.

-Wow... i see... Thongar looked down, in dissapointment. He did not feel ready at all. There was a long road set before him and he did not know that was ready follow it.

-Do not worry Thongar said Elladan. Come here i have got something for you.

Thongar got up,walked to the office of Mr Ravensroar. Mr Ravensroar had a small box made of wood which Thongar recognised.

-That is one of the boxes we use at the shop with Master Ironhand.

-Exactly. I got Fenimir make this for you.

Elladan Ravensroar gave Thongar a very beautiful Dagger just as like the other members of the Guild had. Elladan stood up.

-Thongar Vanderwood i hereby declare that you are from this moment a member of the Guild in the Rank of Beggar, soon there is going to be an assignment for you.

Thongar could not believe it at the first moment he heard it. Adira came close and hugged him, not as a Captain of the Assasins but as one of his oldest friends.

Soon everything was going to change... 

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