Under the Cherry Blossoms Part One

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It was another boring day of Summer. I had to admit that I was stupidly staring at the wall as if the painted wood could reveal to me secrets unknown. The reason for my current boredom? Well that would be the futuristic looking device in the corner that had replaced my bed. 

Unfortunately I couldn't use the device until it's massive update process had finished. I mean I could use it like a normal bed true but for all intents and purposes it was just a very expensive paperweight at this point.  I'd taken to calling it "The Pod." yes I know very whimsical in my naming style but it did resemble a cocoon with it's current unpowered state. The base of it would slide down allowing me to get inside and get adjusted before touching another button to let it reseal.  The were a few places for air within so one did not suffocate from lack of oxygen. 

There are a few more features that I could enlighten you on, however I don't feel like remembering the manual just yet. Now some would call me lazy with that remark and I'd be inclined to agree with you if I just had spent 6 hours reading the damn manual. I mean it was thick enough to kill someone with! It would also have enough pages left to wrapped the deceased and clean up the blood spill. You could then deliver the freshly wrapped mummy to the hospital with no extra charge. 

Hey I saw that expression. Just chill alright? I'm kidding. I'm also slightly irritated due to my headache and tired eyes.  I drew off my glasses and huffed irritably before moving to stand up with a groan and made my way to the bathroom to splash my face with water.  Once my face was dry I frowned at my reflection. 

A slightly pale boy of 26 years with piercing blue eyes and a mop of untamed dirty blonde hair stared back at me looking less than thrilled at what they saw, With another tremendous sigh I realized that I needed to shave and reluctantly went to grab my razor and shaving cream. 

Once back I completed the ritual. Since my job didn't really allow me to have facial hair. With another glance at the mirror I pulled out my phone to consult the time.   "Ok it's 11pm and the day is 1/31/4224. I've got an hour before I need to head to work."  Once that brilliant line of thinking was completed I gathered my things that I would need and changed into my work uniform. "Bargin Mart. Were Everything Is A Steal." was emblazoned across the back of the shirt. The front held a small pocket which I typically stored a few cleaning cloths for my glasses.

 Speaking of my phone well at least it was part of the current generation model if only about 3 iterations behind. It was still bloody expensive though. I checked it out of habit as I finished getting dressed. I had a message from my beloved awaiting me. I quickly typed in response. "Good to hear from you hun. I'm on my way to work. I'll call ya tonight." I sent it and after making sure it went through I closed the app and then slipped on my shoes. 

"Alright time to go."  I thought to myself stepping outside and getting onto my hoverboard. It to was a recent addition. As part of the Government's plan to stop environmental emissions and make all of their citizens go green. 

As for the nature of the country where I was at. You have probably guessed. America. Still somehow standing in this day and age. It was close. We almost lost everything a few years ago when some wonderful politicians decided that nuking the earth was better than living on it. Good thing that the common citizens stopped that from happening. 

I'm not one for politics but I am one for my own opinions. If you don't like them well congratulations. You don't have too. Anyway I kicked the side of the board and then stepped on activating it's functions. Powered by solar energy and propelled by some rather efficient fans underneath this hoverboard could run endlessly. Because the fan blades also were incorporated into a turbine which stored additional power while it was operational. Normally this would mean there was a heavy danger of the fan overheating but the insides of the machine were cooled by liquid nitrogen to prevent that from happening. it wasn't perfect. something could damage the casing where the nitrogen was held and that in turn would totally FUBAR the board...but at the very least it didn't create any emissions to further corrupt the environment.                       

I can hear you sucking up air over there to retaliate. If it makes you feel any better yes the new society were tree huggers. We have to do it in order to survive. Now that being said we would have never gotten to this state if those in the old world had not squandered the gifts and treasures of Mother Earth.

Though even with the human race (in America at least) finally catching up to the rest of the world in the zero emissions policy Mother Nature was not one to grant mercy to those that had wronged her for so long. As if given some sort of genetically modified Fertilizer most of the remaining plant life in North America grew unnaturally fast absolutely wrecking almost every shred of civilization. Nor did the animals remain as they once did. Mutations allowed them to start forming their own more intelligent societies and often should a human stray to far out of their territory they would be attacked by the beastkin.  Well Mutations were the popular opinion. Mine? Mother Nature messed with their brains and bodies to make it easier to kill the humans.

So while our life was indeed harsher than it had been in a long time there were some other benefits. With the almost total destruction of civilization well things did go back to a simpler time. We had the benefit of our knowledge and while our economy had collapsed resorting us to go back to more primitive forms of bartering. I tell you this not to evoke sympathy but so that you might understand more of our world. 

As I reached my jobsite I cast my eye over the wooden frame. No buildings of metal or steal could be erected. Only those buildings of nature made materials existed now. Should we attempt to raise such a building Mother Nature  would crush it to dust. 

At some point you must wonder why I keep referring to the planet itself as a sentient being. In truth Mother Nature while asleep in the planet's core had been waiting and watching humanity for the longest time. possibly since our very birth on this earth. We had forgotten her but she had not forgotten us. Our centuries of abuse had finally reaped their own reward. 

Though not let it be said that humans aren't an adaptable bunch. while our buildings might be stone age our tech was far from such. In a way it kept us humble. We might have the power to bring a body back from the dead as long as the brain remained unharmed such is the level of our tech now but we could still be crushed like an at on the whim of the planet. 

The building were I worked was of woven bamboo. It was grown locally for mainly this purpose though there was a sizeable amount of Panda Beastkin about. While they weren't entirely hostile to us...the was an unspoken rule about providing them with enough of the bamboo for a stable feeding source. 

As for my job I'm a massage therapist. There was quite a demand for the business even if it usually only involved the same clients over and over again. Oh I forgot to mention my boss. Fang-Yu. He also happened to be the leader of the local tribe of aforementioned Pandas. 

Unsure if because they are Panda's we should call them Pandakin or just stick with Beastmen. Yow work that out in the comments and If I find a name I like I might go with that. Anyway Fang-Yu did speak Common (otherwise known as the Human Tongue) And I was slowly ever so slowly learning the variation of beast tongue that he and his tribe spoke. Not that they were adverse to teaching me. Just that it was hard to grasp for me mentally. Maybe because my vocal cords couldn't quite accommodate the right pronunciations.

I could understand the bare bones of the language but I'm betting one of their 5 year old's could do better than I. I shrugged those thoughts off and made my way in. Fang-Yu raised his paw in greeting to me and I waved back as I made my way over to the time clock. Seeing the time I cursed and quickly punched in with literally seconds to spare. 

Then I made my way over to Fang-Yu. "Someone new today. I figure I'll give you first crack at them." he remarks to me in Common. His voice is like slowly aged honey. While sweet enough there is still strength there. Not to mention unlike most of the Pandakin who have retained their pudge from when they were Feral...Fang-Yu is ripped. 

He might bench press old buildings in his spare time. With a body like that I'd believe it. "Someone new? What did they pay for?" I asked curiously so I have an idea of what I'm walking into.

Fang-Yu gave me a lecherous grin and I knew just knew I had my first answer. Seeing my comprehension he nodded. "Deep Tissue...Nude. Well Mostly Nude. They'll be in a Loin Cloth." 

"Still no hints on the species?" I asked curiously. "Nada. Your familiar enough. I'll tell you that they are Male at the very least." he added before shooing me off to go work.

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