Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Six

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Author's Note: This time I figured we would diverge our path a little and follow the mousemaid Button for a bit.


Button had many places to be. So they quickly walked efficiently out of the guild house thinking to themselves as they walked along. The sun felt good on their face and the breeze carried hints of the sea. 

Still, they made sure that they were not getting tramped on as they pulled up their quest journal to see what things still needed to be done while listening for those that might need their Help. 

Button twirled their focus from paw to paw watching how nicely the sun went through the purple sphere. Then they turned back to the quest logs. Button noticed that there was a bounty out for a rather troublesome PK'er. (Player Killer) and the last place they had been spotted was not to far from town.

*Why Not?* Button thought to themselves . It could be fun.  Button began to happily skip themselves out of town with a sunny grin. Looking at their face no one would guess the murder they were plotting. Well ok Is it really murder if their opponent got off on killing weaker players? 

As Button went along down the westward path to exit town evidence of a recent rampage was clear. Great swathes of grass were dyed a nice charred black and the taint of smoke was still lingering in the air. Not to mention in the distance the source of the flames could be seen.

Though at this distance even with the natural sharpness of vision that Button's class gave them Button couldn't tell much detail other than the aggressor was covered in scales of some type. Button allowed themselves the luxury of frowning briefly before they got serious and drew their bow from the focus the body of the bow sprouting from either side of the orb framed in purple light.

Frost Arrow  Button said under their breath the frost arrow forming just in front of Button. Button quickly drew the air back and took aim. They let out a breath then held it to steady Button's self before letting the arrow fly. 

Despite the distance the arrow couldn't have been more accurate if it had been fired by a professional sniper. Everything from wind speed to drop off had been calculated perfectly. The arrow struck the scalie snout and a distant roar of pain was heard. 

Button could be seen to be smiling faintly though they rapidly moved into cover. There was a slight chance they had not noticed Button. Though they had most definitely noticed the direction the frosty projectile had been fired from. 

While Button waited Button idly poked the scenery here then smiled to Button's Self before Button phased into the rock texture itself. Now Button was concealed but still able to attack. Button quickly found themselves bored once more as their unwitting victim quickly drew near. 

Button decided to have a bit more fun and twisted the form of their bow into a set of gauntlet's covering Button's right paw like a set of tiger claws. The scalie person up close looked like a lizard or salamander man. Or it could have been a salamander woman. Button found it hard to be sure but they shrugged mentally and when they were close enough Button leaped from the hiding spot and slashed at them . 

*Shing!* went Button's gauntlet though the scalie was able to dodge and attempt to strike back though Button's triple jump got Button away from melee range. Button in mid air reformed the bow and fired another perfect Frost Arrow.  Though this time The Salamander had cleaved through it with their sword. Button had to admit that they found that slightly impressive. 

Still Button had the advantage in this engagement though Salamander didn't know that yet. "Let's play a game." said Button from Mid-Air. "The name of the game is..." Button switched arrow types. "The floor is Lava!" Button promptly fired three sets of Flare Arrows into the earth which belched heat and flame violently as it ruptured in protest. 

Salamander cursed which the system beeped out as a duck quack though they had managed to dodge Button's attack. Button frowned as they finally touched the ground which in this case was the tip of a nearby boulder. 

Salamander too hand landed on a similar outcrop about 5 ft away. An easy distance to jump. They resheathed their sword and seemed to set themselves. A move Button recognized. "I'm gonna have that focus Mousemaid." hissed the Salamander as his move charged. 

Button quickly pushed themselves back waiting till the last moment of the apex of each of their triple jumps. As they jumped backwards they chose to morph their bow once more. "Button Cannon!" they shouted as with a blur of movement the Salamander was right in Button's face. 

"Bye Bye." said Button with a little finger wave before an explosion of purple energy blasted into the Salamander's chest and he got knocked back at least 20 feet scuffing along the ground. Button as they landed once more saw the gash in the turf that the evaded sword swing had left. 

Button grimaced glad that the attack had missed though it appeared as if their playmate was getting mad. More quacking sounds to be heard before Button saw them draw back their arm which made them tilt their head in curiosity. 

BOOOM! Button found themselves on unsteady feet as the thrown sword just caused a massive hole in the ground about 10 feet across. Button didn't even see the sword leave the Salamander's hand. However besides a small amount of HP damage it didn't really hurt Button. 

Button found themselves laughing as they got to their feet. Delighted peals of laughter that danced through the air that seemed to taunt their foe. The Salamander jumped up into the air once more and Shing  teleported to their blade. 

With a grunt the blade was free and they once more attempted to engage button in aerial combat. Button reformed their bow and shot. The Salamander smirked as it seemed the attack missed however button twirled in midair and brought their thin whip like tail smashing into the Salamander's face. 

The look of pure horror on Salamander's face as he was hurled downwards towards a burbling fire pit. Button did not wait to see if they landed. Button used the remainder of their triple jump to head further away into the wilds. 

"I'LL GET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted the Salamander but their voice was quickly fading as the nimble Button scampered away into the woods settling into the trees and began to jump from limb to limb her laughter left behind like a mocking taunt. 

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