Under The Cherry Blossoms Chapter Four

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone that had read this story. The tag changed somehow from Gaymer to Technology. I guess the important thing is reader enjoyment. I'm not sure how the tag system works here. Still I'm glad for your support. Please vote and comment. Let me know what ya like and what you want to see.  Also the name in () is the POV the story is coming from. Just fair warning in later chapters our dear MC might not be the one telling things.


While washing dishes wasn't exactly a mentally stimulating activity. My mind and my gaze wandered while occasionally at least every 20 mins or so I made sure to cast Purification. The bucket I had chosen was quite full by now and I found myself wondering where I would be dumping it. If they had pigs then possibly that would do good in their feeding trough. I will admit I hadn't noticed if there was a stable or anything of the sort when I entered the place at first.

I would also need to find another bucket soon. Though I had been working diligently it seemed as if the stack in front of me was barley shrinking. Curious I poked the status window...and I swear I felt like I had fainted.   

Stack Of Dishes (Dirty) 4852/5000

"Damn. That's a lot. I bet she would be impressed if I could clean the entire stack..." I muttered before looking at the even spaced 4 towers. "I wonder..." I speculated and imperiously pointed at a small bit near the bottom about ten plates. "Purification." I said with conviction as if by saying the words what I wanted to happen would. Well instead what happened is the soil slogged off like black sludge and floated near me awaiting my will. "Well...that's faster than using the soap and water approach." 

I checked my MP (980/1000) and then looked back at the tower of dirty plates that was now showing (4842/5000) "Well it works. And I can sort of spam it. But do I have to say it every time?" I mused.  Purification!  I thought and it seemed to work. Well with that bit of experimentation done I decided to grab a few extra buckets I had noticed lying around that were nicely empty and got to work. 

I glared at the stack of dirty dishes as if it had offended me and kept spamming my skill. Eventually after several hours had passed I managed to complete the final dish. I now had about 10 buckets of what might charitably be called slop. As stated before I was grateful that it didn't smell.

I began to head outside to look to see if there was a trough for pigs and to my surprise I did find one. I began to dump the pails making several trips back and forth until they were done. The animals seemed delighted at such making excited squeals and snorts. I quickly headed back inside wincing at the ruckus I had inadvertently caused. 

Once back inside I see Ms. Coral stalking away from the kitchen itself hands on her hips. "I see that you finished your task. Very well you may stay here for the night."  

Lodging For The Night Completed!

Rewards: 1 Night Free Stay At Mariner's Rest. 25 XP Earned!
Level 1 (25/100)XP 

Seeing that the quest was completed I gave an internal sigh of relief before nodding to Ms. Coral and thanking her for her kindness.  "Hmmph." she replied before moving behind the counter and passing me a key. "Room 705 will be yours. Hope you can manage to climb that many stairs." 

I looked at her with some trepidation before watching her break into a smile and start to laugh. I guess my expression betrayed my anxiety because when I examined the key myself I saw that the number 105 was written. 

I smiled softly once I realized she had pranked me and with a little chuckle of my own I went up to my room. I found it not to far from the stairs and I knocked once before entering just in case a cleaner or someone like that was inside prior to my arrival. I waited for a bit longer and after not receiving any response I unlocked the door and entered. 

The room...was just as amazing as the exterior of the inn. Though I will freely admit it might have just been my fatigue catching up to me after the monotonous task of washing all those dishes. You could have told me the mattress of that bed was spun from fresh spring clouds and I would have believed you. I sunk in gratefully and was out like a light within moments. I wish then that I had started to question how it was that I was asleep in the game. By all rights the functions of the Drive should have booted me out into the real world. True I would still be within the depths of the beast so to speak but I would be in the real world not the game. However due to my own foolishness I staid asleep not questioning a thing. 

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