Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Nine Point One

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Following behind Romulus I felt a bit better that someone actually knew of my difficulties even if they were a complete stranger.  I admit that I was still anxious about the admission to someone else as I had an underlying fear that it was going to blow up spectacularly in my face but at the very least at least I could try to hold onto my hope. 

It seemed we would still have a good journey out to the T and since I couldn't exactly AFK I was therefore startled with I got a notification of someone asking to join the party. I looked around to see who it might be only to jump back towing Romulus with me as an owl crashed into the ground in an ungainly heap. 

Zen ran forwards towards the bundle of feathers. "Rain!" he said in some alarm which made me further confused as the name asking for the party invite had been Wolfshadow001. I shrugged mentally and waited for some form of explanation as Zen continued to attempt to revive his friend. After a few moment's of trying with no visible results I flicked open my menu and looked to see if there was a skill I could grab that might work for this situation.

Before I could actually start looking in earnest the avian began to stir to life flapping his wings then getting up with Zen's help. "Called for help yes?" he asked once he was properly standing once more. "Yeah. Want your help to get Romulus and Nakishodo Here to the village where Romulus lives with his Daughter and Wife." 

"Ahh yes. Wayword Soul yes. Guard Duty." replied the Avian pulling his weapons from storage. I noted that the party join request was blinking angrily at me so I quickly hammered the Accept button. 

Rain's name joined our party list and he seemed to notice the change before moving towards me. I kept him in my peripheral vision as I still had the skill menu up.  "Nice to meet you." said the Avian thrusting out a clawed talon towards me.  I made the gesture to dismiss the skill menu before carefully taking their hand wary of the claws. 

"So why did Zen call ya Rain when your username says "Wolfshadow 001?" The avian glanced back at Zen before looking to me. "Friends call me Rain. And since your are apparently friends with Zen I'll let you do the same. What's your name?" 

I pursed my lips for a bit before mentally shrugging. Wouldn't hurt to give him the shortened version after all even if the full one was on the party list. "Call me Naki." I replied with an easy grin. 

His eyes did a double take and while I could guess it was to check my name on the party list with the name I had given he didn't comment on that just clicked his beak in what I would guess to be amusement before releasing the handshake.  

His back had this ginormous bow on it and he also carried a quiver of the same size...at least it seemed to be the same size to me. I also noted that his side weapon was what looked to be an axe. 

"So I'm a healer though are you sure your not some type of tank?" I asked him after managing to tear my eyes off his gear. "Nah. Me shoot hard and fast and enemy die from many many feet away." replied the owl looking...well I though he looked as if he had pride in that statement but the beak was throwing me off as far as judging the facial expressions went.

I couldn't but to laugh even though the owl was obviously speaking the truth. I got what I guess was a grin as the owl seemingly relaxed pleased with himself.  "So you have the basic healing spells yes?" asked the owl after I recovered myself. 

I sighed before saying allowed "Only purification right now. Though I do have a skill point so I can acquire Solstice Level 1."  "Why are you going for the druidic tree?" he asked me and I shrugged not really sure on that answer.  "Give him a break Rain he's still figuring stuff out." called Zen and Rain perhaps realizing that he was crowding me slightly took a few steps back to give me some breathing room. 

I pulled up my system menu again to grab the aforementioned skill. 

Solstice 1: This Skill increases the temporary HP regeneration rate of the target for 3 mins and heals a flat rate of 20 Hp upon cast. This can be stacked 3 times for a maximum of  15/hp per Second and 60 Hp flat heal. To stack the spell simply recite it as follows "Soltice Times X" where Times X represents  the amount of stacks. Per cast this spell consumed 15 Mana. 

Cost 1 Skill Point 

Spend 1 Skill Point to Purchase Y/N?

I clicked Yes and acquired it. The skill automatically populated onto my list and I looked to Zen and Rain. "Solstice Times 2!"  And noted the two icons that appeared under their names in the party list. for the HPS it was  a circle with lines drawing towards it. The icon background was green the circle golden. 

For the Flat heal a little green arrow appeared on the end of their full health bars with a small 40 showing for a few moments before it faded away.  "Well at least it works." I said aloud before targeting Romulus with it too. 

"Just so you know by casting that spell you incite Agrro. Anyone that would be attacking us would attempt to be running towards you. " informed Rain.  "Well no I didn't know that  but thanks for the tip. At least now I don't have to find out the hard way." I replied.  Then I realized I had one more Skill Point to spend and grimaced. "I think I'll hold onto that one." I muttered to myself.  

I decided to do the same for the two unassigned attribute points as well. Romulus gestured to get out attention and once he had it. "Over the next set of Ridges is the town." He informed us. 

"What is the name of the town again?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed because I felt like he might have mentioned it and I wasn't paying attention enough to notice.  "The name of the town is Gracesia." replied Romulus glancing over to me. 

"Don't pay attention to your map much?" asked Rain and I replied "Well I literally just started playing a few days ago. My map is lightweight." and I got a breif noise of understanding from the Owl. 

For those of you not getting my meaning..The game had a map yes, but unless you physically went to a location you knew nothing about how to get there. There was a fast travel system but it only added stuff to your map unless you put your physical foot down to the area. I guess the rules were different for our avian friend but for me I would have to set foot there. 

My musings were cut short as the town finally came into view. While yes it did seem to have wooden houses with straw roofs there was an elegance to it. Even if it was simple in design. To my suprise the town had a gate and guards as well.   I mean granted I had started in the base starting city. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the nearby Village understood the concepts of having guards posted and such but still. 

Okay maybe I was being biased/prejudiced and I'll admit it. I honestly couldn't scrub the wonder off my face...so I gave up trying. I began to fall into step behind Romulus as he approached the gates. Zen and Rain flanked me though I could tell the owl was finding some great amusement at my reaction. I couldn't bring myself to care though. 

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