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Chapter 10

After what felt like forever, Kenji, Brooklynn, and Ben, finally stopped whispering and walked back over to Hap and I. "Kenji, Ben, Lilly, and I are going to save our friends," Brooklynn announced. "Yes!" Ben exclaimed. "And we're taking you with us," she finished. "No! What? W-Why?" Ben whined. "Because he might be telling the truth," Kenji explained. "Lilly tell them this is a stupid idea," Ben instructed looking at me as I stood up. "Sorry Ben, it's actually a pretty good plan. If we do it this way, we can make sure everyone gets on that boat, and he doesn't just run off and leave us behind," I shrugged. Ben looked at me with a glare. 

Brooklynn tied another rope around Hap's wrists and we began walking through the jungle. Ben walked next to Brooklynn, and I walked behind with Kenji. "I'm telling you he leading us into a trap," Ben said to Brooklynn. "Dude, please don't let Ben be right about you. I can't start listening to a guy who eats bugs," Kenji said to Hap causing me to laugh as Ben ate a bug and Kenji squirmed. "There, there, Kenji," I said patting him on the shoulder before we walked past Brooklynn.

 "Hey, are you okay?" I heard Kenji whisper as he walked up beside me. I tuned at looked at him, "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "You just seemed sad," he replied. "I'm fine. Just, thinking," I smiled and bumped into him with my shoulder. "Just making sure," Kenji replied. 

Finally, we walked into a clearing a big concrete garage in the center. "There it is," I muttered. "Brooklynn, look!" Kenji exclaimed. I started walking toward the garage, and everyone else followed behind me. But then, Bumpy began to act strange, I looked back at Ben who was trying to calm her down, and then I heard something. 

We all quickly darted over to the garage hiding; I peeked around the corner and saw three dinosaurs snarling in our direction. "This isn't good," Brooklynn said looking at me. Slowly we crept backward, Kenji and I ran over to some doors, but they were locked. 

Brooklynn backed up into me and I accidentally knocked her into the card reader; a small beep sounded and the door unlocked. "How did you do that?" Kenji asked. Brooklynn and I both looked confused, but then Brooklynn's face lit up as if she had realized what had happened.

 "The key card from Dr. Wu's lab," she said pulling the card out of the back of her pocket. "Okay, cool. Can we go in now?" I said holding the door open as everyone rushed into the garage. Ben and Bumpy were last and then I slammed the door behind them. The garage was dark and dusty, filled with crates and a few vehicles.

"Why would birthday guy have a key to this place?" Brooklynn asked. "I don't think he did," I said looking at Brooklynn. "It's a master key!" we both said at the same time, both realizing what the card really was. "It could open something in Wu's lab," Brooklynn said. "Brooklynn, it could open everything on the island!" I exclaimed. The two of us looked over at a shed that was standing in the middle of the garage. It looked like it had medical supplies in it. "Here we go again," I heard Kenji say as Brooklynn ran over to the shed. "Quiet. She and Lilly are the only ones of you that have any sense at all," Hap hissed.

But when Brooklynn held the key card over the reader on the shed, it didn't just open the shed it also opened the garage doors. All of us began to panic, and the heavy steel doors slid open revealing three dinosaurs right outside. "What do we do now!?" I yelled looking over at Brooklynn. After a moment the pink-haired girl pointed toward a motorcycle, her, Kenji and Hap, ran over to it and started it up, while Ben and I ran towards the entrance. "We need a distraction!" Brooklynn yelled. 

Ben and I both looked over at the containers of gasoline and then at each other. I pulled the last little bit of rope out of my bag and Ben covered it in hand sanitizer. Then I opened one of the containers and dropped the rope in. Ben used the Taser to light the rope of fire before he hopped on Bumpy's back, he held out his hand for me and I jumped up wrapping my hands around his waist as Bumpy ran out the door. A few seconds later an explosion erupted from the garage, stunning the dinosaurs as we flew by. 

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