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The next few days were spent catching dinosaurs, and then loading those dinosaurs into crates. And then they were placed on the ship that was going to take them back to Mantah Corp's Island. I spent most of my time helping Mae or Kenji and trying my best to keep my head down. I didn't know what was going to happen when we got back to the island, I really hoped the others had a plan.

I sat perched on top of a stack of crates. Something I had been doing a lot lately, I could see the whole docks from where I sat, and I could see everything going on. It made me feel a little better about my circumstances, being able to see everything. And it reminded me of back when we were all stuck on the island together. I used to climb trees, or buildings all the time. I learned pretty early on that being up high was usually a pretty good idea, that way you could see the dinosaurs coming.

I watched as Kenji led one of the dinos into a crate, locking the doors behind him. Then I saw Mr. Dodgson's plane flying towards us. He was leaving today, and we were going to be heading back to Mantah Corp's Island soon. Mr. Kon and Mr. Dodgson walked over to Kenji; they exchanged a few words before Mr. Dodgson walked to his plane which had just landed.

I felt a sense of relief as I saw the plane fly away. At least that was one less thing to worry about. My eyes wandered over to where Mr. Kon and Kenji were, and then I saw Mae, she was about the feed the dinosaurs. I slowly made my way off the crates and ran over to her. As I reached her Kenji was walking over to her as well.

"Mae," he said with a smile. Mae just looked at him and motioned to Toro, who was standing stiffly in front of her. Completely ignoring the chunks of meat Mae had thrown at his feet. Not that he could eat then even if he wanted to. "Whoops, sorry," Kenji said understanding what she was trying to tell him. I watched as Kenji pressed a button on the controller in his hand, allowing Toro to eat the meat in front of him.

"You, okay? You look like you got a case of the Nublar, newb blahs," Kenji asked Mae, and Mae just looked up at him confused. "Sad. You look sad," Kenji clarified. "Just doing my job," Mae replied blankly. I could tell how much all of this was bothering her. It bothered me too; I just tended to be good at ignoring my feelings.

"Really? Cause I've seen you do your job. You were a lot happier," Kenji told her. "Well, that was before," Mae exclaimed, but then let out a sigh, "I'm fine. I'm just tired, that's all," Mae told him. Kenji looked over at me with a concerned look on his face, I just shrugged in response. "Are you sure you're okay Mae," I asked softly. "I'm fine she replied, as she continued to pet the dinosaur in front of her. "Okay, but if this has anything to do with what you said the other day, I think you were right," Kenji said kneeling next to her.

"Right about what?" a voice asked from behind us. I looked over and saw Mr. Kon, Kenji shot us, "Nothing, just, uh, inside joke," Kenji assured him. Mr. Kon stayed quiet for a moment, and so did the rest of us. "Kenji, did you get the Ethernet connection working in the penthouse?" Mr. Kon asked finally. "I tried, like, a hundred times. I think the cord is shot," Kenji replied. "The try connecting on the boat, son. Where would I be if I quit any time, something seemed too difficult?" Mr. Kon hissed. "Right," Kenji muttered turning away from his father. "Have Lilly help you, maybe she can make up for your laziness," Mr. Kon added, I clenched my jaw, it took every ounce of self-control not to yell at Mr. Kon. But instead, I stiffly nodded and followed after Kenji.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Kenji ask as we walked. "Me? Yeah, I'm okay," I muttered. "I just don't like when your dad talks to you like that. He shouldn't do that. You're not lazy Kenji," I told him. Kenji looked at me and smiled, "Thanks, Lilly," he replied. We continued walking to the warehouse where Kenji picked up a tablet.

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