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Chapter 20

"Come on guys! We're almost there!" I heard Darius yell as he sprinted ahead of us, but as we broke the tree line he stopped in his tracks. My eyes fell on the dock, the empty dock the rising sun making the water sparkle; the boat was gone. They left without us. "We're too late," Darius muttered staring at the empty dock. I placed my hand on Darius's shoulder, then turned to Ben to say something but we all flinched as we heard a dinosaur roar. 

A moment later the Scorpios emerge from the trees several feet away from us. I felt Ben grab for my hand as we backed up against the tree, the Scorpios growing closer baring its teeth as it stalked toward us. Darius bumped up against my shoulder making me take in a sharp breath, "Sorry." Darius mouthed as our backs hit the tree. We looked around as another growl came from behind us. My head shot around toward the sound, and I saw an identical dinosaur creeping out from behind the tree. "There's two of them," Darius squeaked. 

I covered my ears as the second Scorpios let out a deafening roar. The two dinosaurs continued to grow as they stalked closer to one another, and we were stuck right in the middle. I watched as one pounced on the other, we tried to run out of the way, but it was hard to avoid the fight. Finally, we managed to reach the limo that we had left near the dock. We hopped in and Darius put on his seat belt earning him a weird look for Ben and me. "Reflex." He said with an awkward smile. But as soon as the dinosaurs rammed into the limo Ben, and I did the same. We were right in the middle of the fight again, but at least there were the limo's walls between us and the fight. I squeezed my eyes shut as the dinosaurs thrashed us around, praying that we would live through this.

After a while it got quiet and we stopped moving, but we were hanging, I opened my eyes and looked around, the limo was propped up against a tree. "Oh, Kenji forgot his hat," Ben said looking at the dash where Kenji's captain hat was lying. "Yeah," I chuckled softly. After a moment of just hanging there, Ben started to kick the door open and managed to crawl out the door. "There's two of them," I muttered to myself still unable to completely process what had just happened. I shook my head as I unbuckled myself dropping down to the front of the limo. I heard Darius gasp as I fell. " I'm fine!" I yelled opening the door and hopping out of the limo. 

"How are there two of that thing!" Ben exclaimed climbing out and starting to crawl down the tree. "Well, my working theory is that since all of the other dinosaurs have other animal's DNA built into their genetic code, like tree frogs, some of which can reproduce asexually," I heard Darius begin to explain. "I meant that more as a rhetorical complaint, but thanks," Ben said cutting him off."The only thing more terrifying than one psycho dinosaur is two," I said watching the two of them come down the tree. "And they can make more of themselves whenever they want," Ben added landing next to me.

"You're right no dinosaur, or kid, crazy enough to stay on this island stands a chance if the Scorpioses keep replicating," Darius replied. "We gotta do something fast." He added as he reached the bottom of the tree and picked up Kenji's hat. "They don't seem to get along. Maybe they'll take each other out?" Ben asked. "We can't count on that. I'm going to take them out once and for all," Darius said looking at the two of us. I watched as Ben's face lit up, "So, how are we going gonna do it? With explosions?" he asked. "No. first, we need to disable them somehow. Knock them out maybe. To do that we gotta go back to where it all began," Darius said and began to walk off. "And, is there a part B to that idea?" I asked as I ran to catch up with him. "Yeah, like maybe blow something up?" Ben said next to me. "Why didn't I just go to the boat with the others," I said with a sigh, following behind the boys. The two of them turned around and looked at me, "I mean. Yay, let's go hunt some psycho dinosaurs!" I said sarcastically as I walked up next to them.

We had only been walking for a few minutes when we started to hear loud footsteps, it sounded like a whole herd of dinosaurs. We began to run as the noise got closer. "Do you think it's coming this way?" Ben asked as we ran. "With our luck?" I yelled running next to him. "Right. Let's move faster." Ben replied but then stopped as the stomping got closer. "Run!" Darius yelled. "Where?" Ben replied, they both looked around frantically. "I don't know!" Darius yelled, and then he let out a scream as a tree fell next to us, and a herd of dinosaurs broke through the tree line.

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