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It was the next morning i wad the first one to wake up. So i thought i might go talk to felix. I just got to felix's room amd hurd some talking. "oh bunun wixie wats to pway wiw hywangies and dongswengs but bwig liwxie gawve mwe a  note saywing not to twell hywaingies ." when i hurd that i was confused so i knocked on the door and hurd a comin so i came in "hey lix who where u talking to just now" when i aked that he looked sceared "its ok lix u don' have to tell me"

I just came out of little space when changbin hying said that i let out a sigh and i think he heard it and came to me gave me some cuddles. Thats when i dicided i should tell him i am a little. " um... Hyungie." "yes felix" "um.. I have some thing to tell u but u have to promise not to tell enyone." " i promise lix." "ok soo i am little." i said but then i didnt get a responce i started crying "h-hyung please dwont hate liwxie. O dwint mwean tow." i said now full on sobing i slipping in to little space.

C.B.POV. ( sorry for the changes i pov i just think these will be good to hear from these kinds of pov's )
When i hurd lix say that my heart shattered. Did he realy rhink i was going to hate him for being a little. So i siad " hey lix dont cry i didnt mean to Scare u would never and i mean never hate u for being a little." " wewly hyungie youw not disguswed bwy mwe" "of core not lixie i onestly think u are adorable and u being a little makes u even more cute" "twank chu hyungie" ur welcome bub. Now can u tell me how old u are" " i am thwis mweny hyungie" felix said happly while holding up three fingers.
"i am so proud of u but lix i know u just got in to ur little space but i need to talk to big felix" "ok hyungie" " so what is u want to talk about hyung." "well  why did u not tell any one that u where a little" "i was planing to but then i scared thinking u guys will hate me." felix said looking down "its ok we wont hate u" " thanks but can u please not tell any one" "i wont but i think u need to tell jisung cuz he is your best friend and he will be  a bit hurt that u didn't tell him" "ok hyungie but can i do that tomorrow i want to just hang out with u in little space for today" "of course u can lix"
And thats what happend we ended up being together all day in lix's room.

Well thats it for this chapter sorry if its a bit weird but i hope u injoy

                                               Luv ~ k≧∇≦

guys i am a little felix x skzWhere stories live. Discover now