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"so kook spill the tea(me everyday with my friends lmao)"said felix "so i found out joonie and jinnie like each other" said jungkook and felix looked amazed "wow kook I always thought they both will end up thegether but have they confesed to each other yet?" "no not yet they are delluional to eachothers feelings" "aiyoo(not me putting a bit of the srilankan language into this book)" " it fine lixxie but Joo is going better confess soon cuz I betted a whole months worth of banana milk on those two being a couple in a month" "oh... Who did u make the bet with?" "Oh with Tae hyung" "ohh that makes scenes". So for about an hour both of the littles were just happily playing and spilling some tea about their members till jungkook's phone dinged. so jungkook opened his phone to see it was a message from the seoul police department (dun dun duunnn. I watch to much cartoons 😭). The messenge said,

Dear Mr.Jeon
I would like to inform you that ur aunt and uncle have escaped and we are currently trying to track them down. So till then please be on the look out and make sure to not leave ur house or apartment to much.

Please be safe- seoul police department

After jungkook read the message he started to panic and Felix noticed it so he quickly took the phone and read the message his face was like 'oh shit'

after kookie read that message he started to Panic so I quickly took the phone and read the message and I was 'wtf how did they escape' so I quickly texted I.n

I. N ahh can u quickly come here
And bring banana milk with u

Yeah ok lixxie... Is kookie having a bad panic attack again about u know who

Yeah he is so please hurry

Not even 5seconds later I hear a knock and I said come in and in come Jeongin with a bottle of banana milk and when he saw saw kookie he was like 'shit's and ran to kookie's side and told him to breathe. "Hey kookie calm down ok, calm down" said Jeongin. He started to clam down so Jeongin spoke up and said "lix do u mind telling me what happened" "yeah" so I told him what happened I saw that he mouthed 'son of bitch' I was like dang bro but also agreed cuz like why couldn't the police keep their criminals in a cell with proper security like wth.

Once kookie calmed down he spoke up and said "lixxie cawn chu call yoonie hyungie?" 'Shit he must have slipped "sure kookie I'll call yoonie but can u tell me how old u r first" he held up three fingers "good job kook I'll call yoongi hyung now" so I took my phone and called yoongi

Hi yoongi hyung.
Hi lix how's everything going?
Um.. Not so good .
Really what happened.
Well.... Kookie just had a panic attack and he's calling for u and I think it's best if u come pick him up.
Yeah sure lix I'll come pick him up and I'm sorry this happened he was very excited for today.
It's okay hyung maybe next time I'll just come over to ur dorm instead.
Yeah sure lix but also do u know why he had a panic attack?
Yeah I do but it's not my right to tell cuz it's something really personal and kookie has to be the one to tell u.
Oh yeah ok don't worry and I'll be there soon, bye.
Bye hyung.

"Hey kookie hyung clam down now yoongi hyung just said he's on his way to pick u up and I think u need to become big kookie again till u get to ur room at ur dorm" said Jeongin "ok innie and I'm sorry fow hawing a panic attack" "aww it's ok kookie we understand why and don't worry if u ever want to talk about it u can always call me and Jeongin" I said "thank you guys" said big jungkook

I wrote this chapter last night cuz all of a sudden I some random scene from a movie played in my head and here we are. Make sure to check the jungkook little book to see what happens when yoongi picks him up hehe and also thank you all for 4k reads😍

Luv ~ k≧∇≦

guys i am a little felix x skzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora