Chapter 8

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Rebecca knew she shouldn't have started the kiss back up, but if it turned out to be another bad choice, it was so worth it. They had made out in the car, then they tumbled into her apartment and started kissing and teasing each other again. They had taken each others clothes off before Colby slammed her up against the wall, with his lips trailing down her neck. "Do you know how gorgeous you are." he murmured against her breast. He then leaned up and connected their lips again before they tumbled to the bed. They were tangled together in seconds, kissing and teasing each other. In minutes you could hear the moans and the gasps coming from both of them as they screwed all... night... long.

The next morning Rebecca woke up and looked around, remembering what had happened the night before. Her and Colby were in a spooning position when she looked towards him. When she tried to move, Colby wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back towards him. She turned in his arms as they looked at each other. "Good morning." Rebecca was smiling big as she said it.

Colby smiled and kissed her forehead. "Good morning." Colby knew it was early in the morning but he wanted to make sure they were both on the same page. "So after last night does that mean i get to take you out on a date?" He nuzzled her neck making her squirm.

Rebecca smiled. "Of course you can." She replied as Colby left a trail of kisses along her neck. He then made his way up to her face, leaving a trail of kisses along her jaw and cheek before connecting their lips.

As they broke apart Colby smoothed some hair out of her face. "Come on get ready. I'm taking you out for lunch." Colby helped her up and kissed her again. She smiled and went into the bathroom to get ready. Colby grabbed his clothes and waited for her on the couch. She walked out about 30 minutes later with her hair in a wet bun. "Hey i'm going to head back to my place to get ready, is that ok?"

"Yeah of course. Are you taking me somewhere nice, or is it casual...?" He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Just dress however you like. It's not fast food but it's not a $100 meal." He joked making her laugh. He then grabbed his keys and left.

Rebecca was really wanting this thing to work between them. After all, he made her feel so happy. Yeah she had done bad things, really bad things, but that doesn't mean she will do them again. She picked out a black romper and laid it out on the bed before going into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Since it was Saturday, she didn't have to go into work. She looked at her phone when she heard it buzzing to get a call from Ashley. "Hey Ash, are you feeling alright?"

She heard Ashley sigh, "Yeah for the most part. I've just got a headache. Did i do anything stupid last night?"

Rebecca laughed. "No. You said some crazy things but you didn't do anything."

"Good. So one thing i remember from last night is your friend...Colby, was it? Yeah Colby sounds right. Who is he?"

"He's, well, we're really good friends, but last night we ya know..."

"Was it good?" Rebecca chuckled and applied her makeup. "I know you've not had a boyfriend since Luke. So was it?"

"Yes Ash, it was good." She said chuckling. "I'm getting ready right now, he's taking me out for lunch. I'll text you later ok? Call me if you need anything, and don't forget to drink lots of water!"

"Ok well be safe. And have fun! Bye Becks."

Rebecca then finished getting ready. She put on her perfume and shoes, before grabbing her purse and phone and heading out the door. She saw Colby standing outside in front of his car waiting for her. "Sorry for the wait, Ashley called. Are you ready?"

Colby looked at her and smiled. "You look so pretty. Come on red." He says opening the car door for her. They get in and he drove to the restaurant. He pulled in and parked and shut off the car. He got out of the car to open Rebecca's door, holding a hand out for her to hold.

They walked in and the waitress took them to their seats. They immediately hit it off with a conversation and was laughing and smiling big. "So you moved from Ireland to New York to live your baking dream? I mean, i knew you had an accent, but i didn't know you were Irish?"

"Yeah. I guess were i have lived out in America for so long that my accent has kind of faded, but you can tell i've got one when i say certain things. When i first moved here, no one understood me and it was frustrating trying to make friends, but i met Ashley, Mercedes, and Pam and they made me feel welcome. Where did you move from?"

Colby drank from his cup before he answered. "I'm from Iowa. Davenport actually, i used to own a coffee shop and a gym before i moved here. Where it was such a small town we needed things like that, so i got with some friends and we started our own businesses." He smiled before he continued. "My mom is supposed to come visit in a few months so i hope you will get to meet her."

Rebecca nodded and smiled at his words. The waitress brought their food out and they began to eat. "Do you have any siblings? I had heard you talking about a guy named Brandon when you were talking to your dad."

"Yeah, me and him are pretty close. Or we used to be, after me and Leighla had gotten engaged and moved in with each other, we didn't see each other as much. But we talk all the time now." He paused to take a bite of his food. "Tell me about your family."

"Well i have a brother named Richie. I've not seen him in person in a while, but we facetime all the time. I'm hoping him and my Ma get to come visit at some point, or i'll get a chance to visit them. It's hard trying to fly to another country."

"I hope i get to meet them someday. What about your dad?"

Rebecca's smile turned into a sad smile. "He died last year actually."

Colby rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. "Oh i'm sorry, i had no idea."

"No, no it's ok. He was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years back but he ended up being ok. And then last year it came back, sadly he got real bad sick and passed away. I wish i could have seen him before he died to let him know how i was, and that i found somewhere to live my dream."

"He knows Rebecca, he knows."

They had finished eating then after Colby payed they went for a walk around the city. "Hey, Rebecca?"

"Yeah?" Colby stopped walking and grabbed her hand.

"Look, i've done some terrible things in the past but i really want to be with you. I've never been this happy around anyone, and I know we have only known each other for a few months, but i want to give us a shot."

Maybe we really can be together. As long as he doesn't find out about my terrible mistakes. "I want that too, Colby."

They both smiled before Colby cupped her face in his hands and connected their lips.

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