Chapter 51

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It was Friday. The day that they had all been waiting for. The day that they would find out whether or not Colby would be spending the rest of his life in prison. The day that had them all nervous for the outcome.

Jonathan, Joe, and Renee were all at Rebecca and Colby's house. They had stopped by so they could all ride together. Rebecca had fixed breakfast for all of them to eat and they were currently all gathered up on the couch.

Joe and Jonathan had been brainstorming ever since Colby's arrest, trying to figure out how they could get him out. They had known Colby basically their whole life and couldn't imagine him being locked up forever.

Renee was petting on Kevin while they all sat in silence. Every once in a while they would look over at Roux as she crawled and played with her toys.

Rebecca had been a wreck. She was also trying to come up with a plan but every one of her ideas seemed stupid. She had cried herself to sleep last night thinking about Colby. She thought about all that had happened in the past year. Now her fiancé was probably going to be locked up for the rest of his life for trying to protect his family.

Jonathan wrapped his arm around Rebecca and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Becks don't worry...we're going to come up with a plan."

Joe nodded from the other side of the couch. "I know we don't have a good idea right now but if we keep trying we will come up with something good."

Rebecca shook her head and stood up. "You guys know i love you...but i need you to stop telling me it's going to be ok!" She exclaimed. "Because it's not! No matter what we come up with it's not going to work!"

Jonathan put his water bottle down and looked up at her. "Yes it will we just have to come up with something good!"

"Jon if we break him out of prison he will be on the run for the rest of his life!" Rebecca exclaimed. "This ain't a movie this is real! And we need to think about what's gonna happen after Colby's case!"

Just as Rebecca was about to continue the doorbell rang. She wiped at her face and went to the door. She opened it up and seen Holly. Shit. I forgot his mom even existed. "Hey Holly." Rebecca said as Holly pulled her in for a hug.

"Hi honey..." Rebecca stepped aside once they broke apart and let Holly in. Rebecca shut the door and looked back at Holly. "How are you doing sweetheart?"

Rebecca smiled sadly and nodded. "I'm... uh...just trying to have hope." Holly nodded and looked around. "You know these three, they were just here talking about his case."

Holly nodded and waved at Joe, Jonathan, and Renee. "Can you believe it? Someone is trying to frame my  boy." Holly put a hand over her heart. "I'm hoping he gets proven innocent."

I'm hoping the same thing Holly, but the thing is he really is guilty...the world just don't know it yet. Hell they may never know. Rebecca moved over to where Roux was and picked her up handing her to Holly. "Make yourself at home Holly. We won't be leaving till around eleven."

Holly kissed Roux's cheek then went and gave Joe a hug. "How are you doing?"

Joe returned the hug smiling. "I'm doing good how about you?"

Holly went over to Jon and Renee and gave them a hug too. "Good as i can be. It's nice to see you three."

Rebecca went into the kitchen. "Do you guys want anything to drink?"

"No." They all replied.

Rebecca then pulled her phone out of her back pocket and saw she had missed calls from Pam, Ashley, and Leah. Shit. I forgot to tell them about Colby's case. Rebecca dialed Ashley's number and put the phone to her ear.

"Becks?! Oh thank god i have been trying to get a hold of you for two days now! Are you ok? What's going on?!"

Rebecca sighed and leaned her back onto the counter. "Ash...Colby got framed for murder." She waited a second and listened to Ashley gasp and tell Pam and Leah what was going on. "We're going to the court house in 3 hours."

"Aw...Becks i'm so sorry! Who the hell would frame Colby for murder? Why the hell would someone frame him for murder?!" Ashley slammed her car door before continuing. "Do you think he'll be found guilty?"

"Yeah, they planted a knife with Randal so it's all believable." Rebecca was hoping her lie sounded believable. She hated lying to her best friends, but she would lose them if they found out her and her fiancé were murderers. "I'm just scared ya know?"

"Oh i would be scared too Roux okay?" Ashley started up her car.

Rebecca looked back into the living room to see Jonathan tickling Roux. "She's can tell she misses him though. She will crawl into our bedroom when we're upstairs and look for him. She'll do it down here too."

She heard Ashley curse. "Aww poor baby! Becks just know that i love you guys. I hope everything goes good, and you can call me anytime. I have to go...but i hope i can see you soon..."

Rebecca smiled. "Okay...i love you Ash. Tell Pam and Leah i love them too. I'll call if i need anything, i love you bye." And with that Rebecca hung up the phone.

Joe came into the kitchen when he heard her quit talking. He sat his coffee cup down in the sink and leaned on the counter across from her. "You okay?"

Rebecca shook her head and looked down. "Nah i never will be until i know he's safe with us."

Joe gave her a sympathetic smile and opened his arm out for her. "Come on Becks...let's go see Colby."

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