Chapter 13

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Rebecca never would have thought she would lose one of her best friends, and today that nightmare became a reality. As soon as she got to the hospital, Fergal was crying on Ashley's shoulder who looked frozen. Pam was sitting in a chair with her head in her hands. No. This isn't happening. Rebecca hurried over to them, and they told her the news. Mercedes was dead, and there was nothing they could do about it, even if she would have lived she would have been paralyzed and would have had brain damage.

Rebecca didn't want to believe what was happening. She's gone. Rebecca fell down to her knees crying and she felt big arms wrap around her. She turned to see Colby and she buried her face into his chest, soaking his shirt with her tears. "Shh. It's ok babe." He whispered in her hair stroking her head as Pam and Ashley joined her, and the 4 of them sat there huddled up crying.


The clock tower rang, and Colby and Rebecca walked hand in hand into the funeral home, taking their seats next to Ashley, Fergal, and Pam. She looked around at the people and saw Kevin, Leah, Trinity, and Gionna sitting together. She rested her head on Colby's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her. Ashley and Pam moved their hand over Rebecca's as they watched the funeral take place.

Fergal went up first to do his speech . He talked about how they met, when they had shared their first kiss, and how he proposed to her. His speech then came to an end. "Mercedes was my best friend and fiancée all in one. She was a beautiful person inside and out, and she was always there for me. Now i know she's not with us no more, but i know she'll always be by my side. We love you, I love you. Rest in peace my love."

Pam Ashley, and Rebecca went up together and they talked about everything. Going out and spending thousands of dollars on clothes and things none of them really needed, her always being there and supporting them, and how much she cared for them and other people. "Things will never be the same without you. We will never forget you Mercedes. We love you."

After the funeral they went on to bury her. Rebecca walked over and hugged Fergal as the ceremony started. My life is so messed up. Rebecca still couldn't wrap her head around what had happened in the last week. She introduced Colby to her friends, which Mercedes did not like. After that she had continued to work, then her and Colby had the best sex she had ever had. Her job was going great and then Mercedes ran into a tree after she was thrown off the road, and now she's dead. She died thinking i hated her for not liking Colby, and she will never know that i wasn't. We're not going to see her live her dream and get married, and become a mother. She's really gone.

After the burial Colby took Rebecca to his apartment so they could just relax. They were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together, while Kevin was curled up in between them. "Rebecca, i'm sorry about Mercedes. I know how much she meant to you. If you want to be alone just tell me and i'll-"

But Rebecca cut him off with a kiss. "I don't want to be alone right now. I just want you." She cuddled up closer to him and relaxed from being in his presence. She ended up falling asleep, so Colby grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around them. He leaned back on the couch and finished watching a football game.

Colby had almost fallen asleep when someone knocked on his door. Rebecca stirred and woke up confused. "Are you ok?" She says playing with his beard.

Colby kissed her cheek and got up. "Yeah i'm ok someone knocked on the door." She sat up and wrapped herself in the blanket. Colby walked to the door and opened it revealing Joe. "Hey man, i didn't know you were coming."

Joe smiled and sat a few grocery bags down on his counter. "Well i would have called but i didn't know what time the funeral started." He walked over and hugged Rebecca. "How are you doing Becks?"

She smiled and returned the hug. She just shrugged and looked the opposite direction. "I'll be ok eventually. It's hard loosing one of your best friends."

Joe ruffled her hair and sat down beside her and Colby. "Yeah it's hurts. I stopped at the store and got you some mint chocolate ice cream." Colby rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue. "I know how much you like it so. And i also knew how much he hated it."

Colby threw a pillow at Joe and shook his head. "It's so gross man. I don't know why she likes it."

Rebecca scoffed, "You've just got bad taste that's all." She went into his kitchen and grabbed a bowl of the ice cream. "Thank you Joe i really appreciate it."

Joe smiled as she sat down and gently punched her shoulder. "You are welcome Becks." He picked up the pillow and threw it back at Colby. "Did you watch the game? I heard the bears lost."

Colby shook his head again. "Yeah they lost." Joe started laughing and threw his head back. "It's not funny. You know how much i love the bears."

Joe rubbed the water from his eyes and sighed. "I know man, it's just funny seeing you get so worked up." He stopped laughing and looked at Rebecca, who was happily eating her ice cream. "When they lose does he cry on you? Don't be afraid to tell me i know he can be a baby sometimes."

Rebecca started laughing as well and Colby just sat there shaking his head. "You both think you're so funny. I can't wait for your team to lose so i can rub it in." He petted on kevin who woke up from his nap. "And besides, Rebecca doesn't watch football so she doesn't even know what happens during a game."

Joe laughed again and Rebecca just shook her head. "Yeah you're right, he cries about a lot of things...".

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