Chapter 35

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A few days later Rebecca woke up when Roux started crying. She gently picked her up and carried her down stairs so they wouldn't wake up Colby. She grabbed her already pre pumped milk out of the fridge and fed Roux. While she carried Roux around, she walked around the kitchen to fix her some coffee. She grabbed her a cup then left the rest for Colby to drink whenever he woke up.

She also put out Kevins food, and let him outside to do his business. Once Roux was done she emptied out Roux's bottle and put it in the sink to be washed, before going upstairs to the nursery. She changed her diaper after she burped her then changed her into a cute outfit for the day.

She went back into the bedroom about an hour later, after sitting and talking with Roux, and saw that Colby had just woken up. She walked over to him and sat down on the bed, while he yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Good morning." Rebecca ruffled his hair. "I've got the coffee brewing if you want some."

Colby sat up and kissed her cheek before kissing Roux's. "I'll go get me some, i'll be back love." He said getting up and putting on his boxers. He walked out of the room leaving Rebecca and Roux. She sat on her phone while Roux just looked around.

They had finally opened all of the presents from Colby's family. They had bought Colby and Rebecca some house warming gifts, and a few neighbors had baked her some sweets. Holly had bought Roux all kinds of clothes and little toys.

Joe had came over two days ago and brought them some food. He hugged them both tight before cooing to Roux. He had held her gently, and she smiled while he danced around with her.  Jonathan and Renee had come over too and brought gifts and food. Renee had fixed a cake for them to eat and Jonathan brought a stuffed animal for Roux. 

Thankfully Roux had enjoyed seeing everyone, and didn't cry while they were visiting, unless she was hungry.

As Rebecca was scrolling through her instagram, she noticed that the same woman from the diner had followed her. What the hell does she want? Rebecca thought clicking on her profile. She saw that all Amanda posted, had something to do with her boobs and butt hanging out. Glad she's got confidence. She was going to block her, but if she got suspicious about something Amanda did, she could always check her account, so she let her be.

As if on cue she heard Colby's phone ding. She didn't want to be nosy, so she wasn't going to look at it, but when it dinged again, she became curious. She grabbed his phone and looked at it and there she was, the golden little barbie doll in his dms. What the hell does she want with him? Rebecca questioned as she scrolled through the texts.

Amanda had texted him asking if he wanted to meet up with her at the diner for lunch. Normally Rebecca wouldn't care, because she wanted Colby to have friends, but she knew Amanda wanted to be more than friends, so she was getting pissed.

She wanted to reply back but she didn't want Colby to think she was being crazy, so she left her on read and put his phone back on the nightstand forgetting about the messages.

Once her and Colby were ready for the day they decided to go out for a walk in the neighborhood. Rebecca strapped Roux into her baby carrier while Colby hooked on Kevins leash. "Are you ready?" Colby asked grabbing his keys.

Rebecca adjusted the straps on the carrier before nodding. "Yep we're good, is little kevin ready?" She saw that Colby nodded, and once Colby locked the doors they were off.

Their neighbors were mostly really nice. There was mostly younger couples but there was a few old couples who would judge them. Actually they really just judged Rebecca because they weren't used to an Irish woman living in Davenport Iowa.

One of the young couples, Montez and Bianca, were the first people to introduce themselves when they first moved, and they always greeted them when they walked by. Thea and her husband Tom had been really friendly, and even invited them to lunch sometime.

As they walked by they waved at Montez and Bianca who were also on a walk. Colby wrapped his arm around Rebecca's waist as they continued to walk. "So i've been thinking..." Rebecca looked up at him giving him a signal to continue. "You know how we have extra room in my coffee shop?" When Rebecca nodded he continued. "I was thinking that maybe me Joe and Jonathan could remodel so that you could open up a bakery in the coffee shop...if you would like? I know how much you love to bake, and if there was a coffee shop AND a bakery in the same place, i feel like it would be a big deal. They could order coffee from the shop then they could walk to the other side of the shop and get them a treat." He smiled down at her as they continued walking.

Rebecca rubbed Roux's head as she thought. She loved to bake, that's the whole reason she moved to New York, but she had to leave all of that behind so she could become a mother. She would love to start up a bakery, but right now she didn't think she would be able to work as much, especially where she was just a month postpartum. "I would love to do that...but i don't think i'm able to hop back into the business right now." Colby nodded and kissed her head. "Maybe here in a month or two you can start working on it, but i wouldn't start right now." They continued their walk as Rebecca thought about the new possibilities he had to offer. She would still be a mother, and she would make sure she was a good one, and while she done that, she could also make sure she's a great baker.

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