Chapter 26

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As soon as Rebecca walked through the apartment she ran straight to the bathroom. Colby had followed her in there and was holding her hair back comforting her while she emptied her stomach out into the toilet. "Becks are you ok?"

Clearly i'm not you idiot, she thought to her self. She didn't say it out loud because she knew he was only trying to help. "I don't know. I've never been this sick." She sat back and leaned into his chest.

Colby wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. He then rubbed his hand down her spine. "Becks you don't think you're... ya know?"

I can't be. There's no way. "I don't think so... when's the last time we had sex?"

"Well last night, but you couldn't have got pregnant that quick." They thought about all the times they had recently screwed, and there was a lot. They had been dating for almost 7 months now, and they had sex all of the time. Whether it was in the living room, on the kitchen bar, on the bathroom counter, in the shower, or in the bed, they made love frequently. "Do you think there's a possibility you could be?"

I hope not... at least not right now. "I don't know. I'll just wait because i don't think i am, i think it's just something i ate." She tried to get up but got dizzy and fell back down into Colby's lap.

"Rebecca there's something seriously going on, this ain't normal." He got up and carried her to the couch and laid her down. He pulled the trash can over to her and grabbed a blanket covering her up. He went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and brought it back to her.

"I'm fine..." She assured him, but he was having none of it.

"If you think it's something you ate, just rest and drink water ok? But if not i'm taking you to the hospital." He kissed her cheek before he went and grabbed the remote turning on the tv for her. "Now, i'm going to go back to the search party ok? If you need anything, and i mean anything, you call me." He handed her the remote after she nodded. "I love you, and try to get some rest ok?"

"Ok, love you Colby." She said as he kissed her goodbye. He then left and she laid there watching tv.

Rebecca laid there for a good while before she got up to get something to drink, but when she got up she got really dizzy. She grabbed onto the bar stool trying to keep her balance.

Once she was ok she stood up and walked into the kitchen, but when she turned around to grab another water from the fridge, she passed out. Kevin came into the kitchen and turned his head looking at her. He brushed his nose to her face trying to get her to wake up. He then started barking, trying to get help.

Colby went back to the search party and met up with Joe, Jonathan, and Renee. "Hey is Becks ok? Joe said she got sick." Renee looked up at him with a worried face.

"She thinks it's something she ate, she was lying down when i left so hopefully she'll be ok." He looked around at their surroundings. "Have they found her?"

Jonathan shook his head. "Nah man. They wont find her here anyways, you threw her in a lake." He kept his voice low. "They wont find her unless she washes up on land."

"Yeah man don't worry. Maybe we should just go home." Joe pulled out his phone and looked at the time. "I mean it's almost 5, we could go back to your place and hang with Becks."

Colby pulled out his keys and nodded. "Ok. Let's go. I'll call Becks and let her know i'm coming home." They walked back to the car and got in.

Before he drove off, he pulled out his phone and called Rebecca. He waited, and waited, but she never picked up. He called her again and the same thing happened, he heard nothing but her voice mail. "She may be asleep, she's not answering her phone." Colby looked panicked though as he said it.

"Yeah she looked real pale earlier. Just let her sleep man, she needs some rest." Joe patted Colby's shoulder before Colby took off. They were stopped at a red light with stores on the side of the road. "Do you need to get her any medication while we're out?"

"Yeah she may need some. I can go in with you if you don't know what to get." Renee said looking over at Colby.

"Yeah we'll stop and get some stuff." Colby turned on his turn signal and they went to the store. They all went in and Renee and Joe went with him to the medication aisle. "Do you think this is ok?" He held up a bottle of nausea relief.

"It should. Maybe get her some ibuprofen too." Renee picked up a bottle then looked around. "Where did Jonathan go?"

Joe and Colby looked around and saw him checking out a box of cakes. They looked at each other then shook their heads laughing as they went to check out. They bought the medication, and Jons cakes, and went back to his apartment. "Did you really need 4 boxes of cupcakes?" Joe patted his shoulder as Jonathan carried them up the stairs.

"Yeah man, i'm going to share. Plus they may cheer Becks up." They reached Colby's floor and heard barking. "Is that Kevin?"

They looked at each other with a worried expression. Colby pulled out his keys and opened the apartment door quietly. If Rebecca was asleep he didn't want to wake her, but if Kevin was barking that loudly, she probably wouldn't be asleep in the first place.

They walked in and Kevin ran up to them. He made them follow him into the kitchen and they saw Rebecca lying there unconscious. Jonathan dropped the cakes, as they all ran to her. "Oh my god!" Colby cradled her face trying to get her to wake up. "Becks? Hey Rebecca can you hear me?!" He checked her pulse before looking back up at Joe, Jonathan, and Renee, as they all panicked on what to do.

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