An unexpected journey

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Chapter 1: An unexpected journey

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HP.

AN: I noticed that there weren't many stories like this, so I just needed to make one. I've been wanting to read a fanfic like this but 'if you don't find it, then make it.' – Me, your amazing author.

I made that up right now. Enough about me, let's start the story.


Harry and Ron sat in the common room playing exploding snap.

Near them Hermione sat, doing her homework.

"Honestly boys, you should do your homework as well. It's OWL year and you should focus on your studies instead of goofing around." Hermione said with a huff.

"Relax Hermione. We'll do it later. We have all the time we need." Ron said, ignoring the bushy-haired girl's attempt to make him study.

"No, you don't. You have a potions essay due tomorrow and you'll never get around to doing it. And on top of that, you have to do the toad's stupid essay on the stupid 'ministry approved' book."

"We'll do it" Ron started but Hermione never got to know exactly when Ron was going to his essay because a phoenix flashed in grabbed Harry, Ron and Hermione and flashed them to an unknown room.


Ginny was reading a magazine on the best female quidditch players.

"Ah. How I wish I could be on that magazine one day." Ginny said wistfully, thinking about how awesome it would be to be a famous quidditch player one day.

"Don't worry sister dear" A familiar voice started.

"Because one day you will be" Another familiar voice finished.

"Ahh!" Ginny screamed startled. "Where are you? I thought boys couldn't come here."

"That's because we're not in there." One of the twins said.

"We're outside your window." The other one told her.

Looking outside, she saw both her brothers hovering in front of her window on their brooms with large grins on their faces.

"You stupid boys! You'll pay for this. I'll hex you so much that"

Then, Fawkes flashed in, grabbed the Weasley's and flashed them to an unfamiliar room.


Minerva was sitting in her office, drinking a nice hot cup of tea when she got a note from Albus to meet him in the staff room.

Sighing, she got up from her comfy chair and started making her way to the staff room.

On the way, she met Severus. He had gotten a similar note from Albus.

Together they reached the staff room.

It was empty of teachers, except for Albus.

Thank Merlin that the pink toad wasn't there.

"Why have you called Minerva and me here?" Severus asked, cutting to the chase.

"Minerva and I." Albus corrected gently.

"Shut up you old man. Just tell us why we're here."

"I can't do that while I shut up."

Sometimes Albus was truly infuriating.

"Just tell us for Merlin's sake," Minerva said, already fed up with them.

"Hold on to Fawkes. I want to take you both somewhere."

Both turned to look at the phoenix who had just flashed in.

"Where?" Severus asked.

"I'll explain later."

And with that, they were flashed to a room they'd never been to.


Remus and Sirius were in the living room of Grimmauld Place.

Sirius was making truly awful werewolf puns.

"If a werewolf did not know it was a werewolf, then it would be an unawarewolf."

Remus groaned.

"Please shut up Padfoot."

"What kind of fur do you get from a werewolf?

As fur away as you can get."

"I want to get as fur, aaaaah, far away as I can from you"

"You fell for it!"

"Shut up you annoying dog."

"Where do werewolves live?

In a were house."

"Sirius, I swear to god that I'll"

Luckily, Sirius was saved from Remus's wrath as Fawkes arrived and flashed them away to a new room.


Molly and Arthur Weasley were having dinner in the Burrow.

"It feels so alone without the children here, causing chaos and all," Arthurs said,

"Yes, it feels too silent. I wish we could see them again." Molly sighed.

They didn't know that their wish was about to be fulfilled when Fawkes came in, grabbed them and flashed away.


Tonks was on a mission. A mission to win Remus Lupin's heart and she would go to any length to win it.

That's why she was currently sneaking around Grimmauld Place, trying to spy on Remus.

Sirius was telling werewolf puns to Remus.

Not all of them were bad.

She heard Sirius say "If a werewolf did not know it was a werewolf, then it would be an unawarewolf."

She suppressed a laugh. That was a good one.

Her cousin knew how to tell jokes.

And annoy people if Remus groaning and saying Please shut up Padfoot was any indication.

She had spied enough for today. It was a wonder she hadn't been caught, with how clumsy she was she half-expected herself to trip and be found out by the two men in the living room. Stealth wasn't her strong point.

She turned around to leave when she was met face-to-face with a phoenix.

She stumbled and almost fell, but the phoenix grabbed her and flashed away.


Luna Lovegood was sitting in her room, sketching a majestic phoenix who should be arriving in a few seconds, if her Sight was correct.

She didn't know what would happen afterwards, which was the issue with the Sight.

3,2,1 and in a burst of flames, the regal phoenix appeared.

"Hello, Fawkes. How are you?" She asked, stroking the beautiful creature's vibrant red feathers.

He flew around the room as if to show that he was fine.

He grabbed the blond girl and flashed her away.


AN: Thanks for reading. The next chapter will be out within a week, so don't worry.

Next Chapter: The PJO characters are transported to the room. 

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