We meet half gods

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Reading About the Other World

Chapter 3 – We meet half gods

AN: Sorry about not updating. But there's nothing better than getting your laptop out and typing for an hour straight.

Well, owning Harry Potter would be better than that but unfortunately, I don't own it.

The phoenix flashed in and out, bringing people and leaving them there, so fast all you could see was a red something as it disappeared and reappeared.

As soon as people came into the room, they all started talking at once.

"Where are we?"

"Why are we here?"

"What is this place?"

"Professors, what are you doing here? Why are we here? Did you summon us Professor Dumbledore? I remember seeing a phoenix. Was it Fawkes?" Hermione asked all these questions in one breath, as she tends to do when stressed or exited.

"Why is Snivellus here?" I'm sure you all know who said that. If you don't then shame on you. You aren't a true Potterhead. Don't read my stories.

I'm kidding. Please do read them.

But in case you don't know who that is, it's the one and only, Sirius Orion Black, illegal do Animagus, Azkaban escapee and dogfather of the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter. (Sorry about that. Couldn't resist to put that pun there.)

"Calm down everyone." Dumbledore said.

"How the hell are we supposed to calm down! You put me in a room with Snape!" Sirius exclaimed. "I'm leaving. Come on Remus."

"I'm sorry Sirius but you can't" Dumbledore told the dog Animagus.

And then the door disappeared.

"How the hell are we supposed to get out?! I can't stay here, locked forever with this dungeon bat."

"I assure you, I have no interest in being here with you. I suggest you shut up and listen to what Albus has to say" Snape sneered at the man.

"I'll listen to Albus but then I'm straight out of the door."

"You might want to stay after you listen to me."

"Nothing you say can make me stay here with this wannabe vampire."

"I suggest you shut up mangy mutt."

"I suggest that you go shove you wand up your ass."

"Sirius! Severus! Stop fighting. I understand you don't like each other but please try to be civil to each other."

While Dumbledore handled the two men, Molly and Arthur were busy reuniting with their kids and Remus was talking to Harry.

Tonks was making dreamy eyes at Remus.

Luna smiled happily, knowing she was going to meet an old friend soon.

"Now that's settled can you please tell us what the bloody hell is going on." Ron said.

"Language" Hermione said out of habit.


"I have called you all here for a very important reason."

"Stop the suspense and get on with it." Sirius said.

"He was going to, but an idiotic dunderhead decided to interrupt."

"Shut up Snape."

"Stop fighting both of you. I expected more maturity from you Severus." Minerva intervened.

"I may have found a way to defeat Voldemort." Dumbledore announced.




"You could have told us without this drama."

Were the responses from most of the people present, after the initial flinching from most of the room.

Luna already knowing this, didn't bat an eye.

Harry had a completely opposite reaction.

"Finally! You could have found it out earlier and my life wouldn't be such a damn mess!"

"I understand that this is a huge news but please calm down all of you. I contacted my old friend, Chiron, who trains kids in combat. He agreed to try to send some of his best fighters here to help us. However, they are not witches and wizards."

"Why do we need them? We have magic. We don't need some muggles to save us."

"If we can't stop You-Know-Who with magic how are a bunch of muggle fighters who don't even have magic gonna stop him?"

"I said, they are not witches and wizards. I never said they didn't have any magic." Dumbledore told them.

"How can you have magic if you're not a witch or wizard?" Hermione asked. "Are they from another species like elves. Elven magic is quite different from ours. Or are they some super-secret species that no know knows about?"

"They are humans but different from us, a different species if you may. Their world and our world have been hidden from each other for many centuries because of a terrible war between both of them. Only a select few like myself now of their existence and now I'm trusting all of you with that information. I hope you all able to keep a secret."

"Of course, we'll keep it a secret."

"Yeah sure."


"We would never betray your trust like that."

Everyone promised to keep Dumbledore's mysterious secret.

"But what are they?" Tonks asked.

"I'll tell you if they come."

A flash of fire from the phoenix in the room made everyone turn its way.

"Fawkes says they accepted my offer to come here and help us with the war. I guess it's time for all of you to finally know what's going on." Dumbledore said. "They are demigods."

"Demigods like half human, half god."

"Does this mean that god is real."

"What magic do they have."

"Aren't most gods married. Does that mean that they are the result of cheating?"

"Calm down everyone. Yes Ms. Granger, hey are half human, half god. No Mr. Weasley God does not exist, but Greek gods and goddess do. Ms. Weasley, their magic depends on their godly parent. Say, if it were a child of a healing god or goddess, they would have healing magic but if it were the child of a plant god or goddess, they would have plant magic. And unfortunately, Molly, yes, most gods are married, and most demigods are results of cheating."

"When can we meet them?" Harry asked.

They should be coming and second now.

A flash of fire later, a half horse-half human, a blonde girl who was looking around, a boy with black hair, a boy who looked suspiciously like a donkey and a broody child.

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