Witches and Wizards, Oh My

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Chapter 4: Witches and Wizards, Oh My

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. If I did, I would have been way richer.

Percy POV

The feeling of phoenix travel was weird. There's no way to properly describe it.

You feel like your body is on fire, but you also feel like you were just dipped in cold water.

You feel like someone is punching you into the ground but at the same time you feel like you're flying.

I was so glad when that was over.

I observed my surroundings. I was in a room with beige walls, a carpet with a weird logo on it (It was a H surrounded by a lion, a badger, a snake and some kind of bird. Annabeth would probably know what it was, its age, it's gender and its habitat.), A bunch of couches and a ton of unfamiliar people.

I saw a bunch of people. They were

· A guy that looked like me with glasses (For stupid people who do not know who I'm talking about its Harry),

· a girl with brown hair that looked like a vulture's nest (Hermione),

· a family that looked like their hair had been dipped in orange paint (The Weasleys), they had a mother, a father, a pair of twins, a boy who looked about my age, and a girl

· a guy who looked a thousand years old (Dumbledore),

· a guy who could be mistaken for a vampire (Our dungeon bat, Snape),

· a woman who looked like the strict teacher everyone's had (Minnie),

· a girl who looked like she had fell into different coloured paints (Nymphadora Tonks),

· a guy who had a bunch of scars and looked like he walked out of bed and came (Le werewolf, Remus),

· A guy who looked like he'd been through hell and back (Poor Sirius)

· A blonde girl (Luna)

Wow, that was lot of people.

Everyone was looking at us like we were aliens. I decided to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Percy, that's my amazing girlfriend Annabeth, that goat guy id Grover, the redhead is our seer Rachel and the guy whose sulking is Nico. Don't mind him. He's always like that."

My introduction had caused Annabeth to blush, Grover to groan, Racheal to smile and Nico to glare at me.

The old man stepped forward and said "I'm Albus Dumbledore."

"The guy who called us here and formed the flaming bird group, right." I interrupted him.

"Yes, that's me and the flaming bird group is called the Order of the Phoenix. This is Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George" Albus started when the redhead twins interrupted him.

"Oi. I'm George and he's Fred." One of them said.

"No, you're Fred and you're George." Annabeth said to him.

"How'd you know?" The other twin now identified as George asked.

"We know a pair of identical brothers that do the same. And if you're anything like them, you love pranks and you four should never meet." Annabeth explained.

"We wanna meet them." They cried.

"No." The bushy haired girl called Hermione said. "Don't worry. I know how to keep them in line."

I had a feeling that she and Annabeth would become great friends.

"On with the introduction. That's Artur, Molly, Ginny, Minerva, Severus, Remus, Nymphadora"

"Don't call me that. I've told you so many times to call me Tonks."

She turned to us and said "Don't listen to that old man. You should call me Tonks, or I will hex you so bad you'll regret it for the rest of your lives."

"Understood." I spoke.

She smiled. "Good."

"I'm Sirius but I'm rarely serious." A guy said.

I liked him already. If you could make puns about your name, I know you're a good person.

"Hi I'm Luna. I'm also a seer." The blonde said.

"You are?!" More than half the room said.

"Yes, and I foresee that Rachel and I will become very good friends."

"I foresee that as well." Rachel said.

"Now, Harry, may I have your memories so them we can read them to everyone." Albus said.

"What!? NO! My memories are very private. They're not for everyone to hear." Harry protested.

So, this Albus figure hadn't told this Harry about this.

"Please Harry, it's the only way we can defeat Voldemort."

"How will reading my personal life to everyone help defeat Voldemort?"

"It'll show the demigods about the horror of Voldemort. It'll also help bring everyone together. Percy will also share his memories."

"Fine. But I get to choose what gets to be read and what doesn't."

"I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way. The spell I will use cannot do that."

"Ugh! Fine!" Harry groaned.

Albus picked up an empty book and put a stick no, his wand, to Harry's forehead and started to mutter something.

A few seconds late a rope stared coming out of his Harry's head.

That must be his memories. The memories flew to a book in Albus' hand and started going in. I saw that some text was being printed magically.

"I'm done. This is the story of Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Everything will be explained in the books. Remember that no one can leave this room until this book is finished. All of this was in the past so you cant punish someone for what they did. Now, let's start reading."

AN: Ok, I sorta lied in the last chapter. They'll start reading the nest one. I promise. No lies this time. Also, sorry for not updating. I kinda just lost motivation to write this, but now my motivation is back. Let's see how long it stays.

Sorry this chapter is so short. The next one is sure to be long.

Also, pls check out my other stories. They're awesome. I promise. You'll love them.



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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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