No Tear Can Form

15 1 0

I see all around me
the first fruits of our nation,
The destructive outcome
of our destructive ways.
I see children beaten and starving,
rejected by their own parents.
I witness fights and hatred
spewed between friends.
I see the desolation of my fellow countrymen:
their hunger, their pain,
their thirst, their hurt,
And yet no tear can form.
Every outcry my ear is turned to;
Every scream for mercy my heart feels,
And yet no tear can form.
My heart may weep and sob,
My soul wrench and curl in despair,
but my eyes remain dry.
My entire being bawls for my country,
And yet no tear can form.

For this world has seen this before,
And I fear that it will see it again.
Our country has sinned.
We claimed our country and our land for God,
But we have fallen so far, and so hard.
We rejected the One above
and the principles He gave us.
We have demolished our young
and laughed at our old.
We pity our poor
and envy our rich.
Our country has sinned.
And for that my tears have formed.

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