A Black Velvet Sky

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As a black velvet stretches across the sky
A golden cream sinks below the hills
My thoughts chase the fading light
So caught up in what I shall lose
I miss what I am gaining
Sparkles sparkles sparkles
Sparkles in the sky
All my imaginings of fairies
Take shape in the black velvet night
It's a place of magic
It's a time for anything
Where the water is rippled by elvish boats
And the forest teems with the laughter of leprechauns
It's a place where all of your dreams can come true
And if your mind wanders too far
Your nightmares too
It's a time where nothing else matters
When your life could reach the great wide blue
This black velvet is a door
A passage way long feared and ignored
The golden light we so desperately chase
Has kept us blinded from  the adventure brought out
By the black velvet sky
Take my hand now
As we step a little farther
Dream a little deeper
Wish a little harder
And maybe
Just maybe
Our lives may meet
In the black velvet night

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