22-Since before we ever existed

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He told me that I am more than my body.
That I am more than my faked smile, my flashy quirk.
More than the personality that just isn't right.
He said that I do not have to be perfect to be loved.
And that I should not have to be.
People ought to love me for my 'success'.
The way I make people want to do more, to surpass their limits.
How I gift them the opportunity to get more confidence.
Yet, it is a heavy thought, to think...
To think I have to convince people with my persona,
To think I will never be quite satisfied,
To think I will always see with my eyes.

It weighs me down without end.

They walk or talk, and heads turn.
Fondness, adoration, aftection, love
They are wooed by their appearance.
their personalities , their eyes, their smiles.
Beautiful is what they are.
They do what they need to and in the end they are adored.
I put the work in
I fake my pride, my confidence, i disguise my cries into screams so  people wont see me as weak.
And yet, they stand above me, with perfect hair, eyes and smiles.
But can I hate them? No
Because the issue is me.
It is me who wasn't born like them.
I was born to never be enough.
And anger flares high and wraps its arms around me,
holding me tight with no escape, no flight.

This is what I despise about him,
Because I may not hate him, but he makes me hate myself.



But he doesn't see me with my eyes, he doesn't see me as the arrogant, rude, and selfish human that others seem to see me as.


I wanted him to stay. Forever. With me.


But even just wanting that is so fucking selfish.

I needed to become someone better, someone he deserves...but

There was no way out.

No way up.


Maybe a way through... but he had no idea what to.

Could he really be anyone else, anyone different than who he was?

Who even was he?

Gifted but not supported.
Feeling like he has something to prove.
That's all he wants, someone to believe in him and because he thinks no one actually does, he believes in himself...so he's not down.

,, What are you thinking about kiddo?"

,, Nothing...just...there are some things to that i need to understand."

,, Feelings are hard to understand aren't they."

,, mmmhm. "

,,Don't really know what to say here... but i think i have a little tip."

,, well?"

,, If you really like this boy, wait for the right moment...wait for the time you'll be all good and then think seriously about what do you want to happen to what you're feeling...He seems like he cares a lot about you...take care of him"

,, 'take care of him' ?...Like you did with dad?"


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