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İnej was really relieved that Jes had texted her, she knew that he would get himself killed someday but she was glad that it was not today.

They went to the crow club to meet up with Kaz, who was just sitting there with absolutely no emotions on his face, so you know like the usual.

They sat down next to him. İnej now understood that this was not his usual face, he had his scheming face on.

Jesper finally noticed it too, "Ooouu somebody has their scheming face on" he said kaz shot him a look which clearly meant shut-up-or-ill-kill-you-with-a-screwdriver.

"Kaz what are you planning?" İnej asked with a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice.

"Glad you asked, we have robbed the people of Ketterdam long enough didn't we? I think its time we change our focus" Kaz smirked before continuing, "Fjerdans."

Jesper made a high squeaky noise but tried to hide it, needless to say that he failed miserably. "So the 6'5 people who have muscle even in their foreheads? great idea kaz real smart." he said

İnej could tell that kaz was going to get pissed, she had to say something. "come on Jes at least let him finish" she finally managed to say

Kaz's head shifted to her immediately he raised his eyebrows and finally said "Jes?"

"yeah, is there a problem?" İnej asked she was blindsided by Kaz's surprised face.

Kaz pulled himself together and said "No problem, I thought I was investing in the best criminals in the city not a couple of second graders"

Mockery was a strong weapon of Kaz's he used it every time he even got close to having some kind of a real emotion.

İnej quickly pulled herself together, she was not going to obsess over her boss's personality traits, she had so many better things to do. "So tell us about the Fjerdans"

"Right, the trick is to get one of them to trust us, so we have to send a spy" both inej and Jesper looked at him with curiosity now. He continued, "Unfortunately inej you are the one that will be doing the stealing, and Jesper you are not disciplined enough to be a Fjerdan soldier" Jesper made a face that made it seem like he was offended but he himself knew that it was true. "and the name Kaz Brekker has been talked about a lot recently so its really risky for me to go" inej could hear the pride in his voice.

She finally said "so who are you suggesting?"

He looked at her "you remember Nina Zenik, right?"

Of course she remembered her, the powerful grisha with drop-dead gorgeous hair. Jesper interrupted her thoughts "So its risky for you to go just because people just might have heard your name but its perfectly safe to send a grisha?" he raised one of his eyebrows

Kaz had a smug impression on his face "well, -jEs- (very clearly mocking inej) if you are fine with flirting with some soldiers and stopping their hearts afterwards, I am comfterable with you going too"

İnej looked at Jesper, she wasn't sure about the stopping their hearts part but she thought that he wouldn't mind the flirting.

"And besides I have already found a weak link"

"Who is it?" İnej looked at Kaz for an answer

"Matthias Helvar"

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