Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

Hazel P.O.V-

"C'mon Hazel it's not even that long!" Stacy said. Me and my best friend were packing my suitcase full of all the things I would need for the year ahead.

"Did you not hear me when I said a whole year?" I retorted.

"Shut up Hazel! Your lucky you get this experience in the first place."

"You wouldn't say that if you were in my shoes stace."

"Quit being dramatic! It's a year of fun and new experiences."

Fun? I would qualify it fun if I wanted to go in the first place. My uncle was sending me to London to stay with his business partners kid who is the same age as me. Why? Well he hated the fact I lived in LA and still had no job, he also hated the fact I was pretty anti-social and didn't care too much about my life at the moment so he thought shipping me out to the UK was for the best.

My uncle said that his business partners kid is exactly like me and I will benefit from living with them. I'm 19 years old and being treated like a rebellious teenager. He said he'd cut off my money supply if I don't stay with this person for a year so I honestly had no choice. Unless I wanted a job..ha, no.

My uncle didn't really care about my personal life as much as he did about how I will support myself. It had it's advantages growing up but now it just sucks.

"Whatever Stacey. Ill just get this damn year over with and come back the same as before" I said rolling my mint green eyes.

Stacy scoffed at my attitude and finished helping me pack my suitcase.


"Promise me you won't get in trouble? Your my best friend and I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Stacy said, tearing up.

We finally arrived at the Los Angeles airport and I was about to go through security so Stacy had to go.

"Stacy, i promise you I will be safe and healthy and all that other junk ok?"

"Ok but you better not make best friends with that girl your gonna be living with or ill kick her teeth in." She said with a frown.

"No one would ever replace you!" I said hugging her.

"I'll miss you, I love you." I said burying my face in her neck.

"I love and will miss you too crazy." I giggled and pulled away. I smile and waved as I walked through the security check.

I got through the security and boarded the plane to London. I took my seat by the window an luckily no one was sat by me. I put my headphones in my ear and played my Ed Sheeran/John Mayer playlist.

I really wished I didn't have to leave but my uncle won't take no for an answer. He actually expects this whole experience to change my views on life but he's going to see that he wasted his time with this plan he thought up.

I don't see what's so wrong with my life? Yes I practically live off his money but it wasn't my plan, I just don't have a choice. I had a job but when Jason cheated on me I kind of stopped going and was eventually fired. I've been in a depressed state lately and my uncle making me move to a different country doesn't really brighten up my day.

I realized that I didn't ask my uncle about the girl I'm going to be staying with. His description of her was so brief I don't even think he said it was a girl but I'm almost positive it is. I don't think my uncle would bunk me with a guy. Actually he would, that aspect of my life doesn't bother him, which is why he was not pleased about me getting fired due to relationship problems.

Maybe the girl I'm going to live with is nice and well get along or we'll immediately hate each other. I abandoned the idea of my uncle moving me in with a guy because he did say this person was just like me so maybe that meant girl.


The flight to London was almost over so I decided to go to the bathroom and fix myself up. I probably looked like a mess and I didn't want to greet my new roommate looking like a hood-rat.

I looked in the small mirror and traced my eyes over my features. My long brown hair was split down the middle and cascaded down my back in soft waves. My mint green eyes were bright and my makeup was a little smudged. I had fairly tan skin, which were the perks of living near the beach. I was content with my appearance. I may not be the prettiest girl but I was easy on the eyes and I didn't plan on catching any attention anyway.

I wipes my eyes and re-applied my eyeliner. I put shiny lip gloss on my plump pink lips and smiled to myself. A beep went off, followed by a seatbelt sign light up above the mirror so I took that as my que to go back to my seat.

It took 10 minutes to land, followed by everyone on the plane clapping. Why? I have no idea and I did not participate. I got off the plane as quick as possible. I went to the luggage are and filled a car with my 4 suitcases. I went to the front of the airport to be greeted by my uncle waiting with a sign saying "Elliot."

"Uncle Richard!" I said smiling widely.

"Hazel! It's good to see you sweetheart"

I went up to him and hugged him. For me, uncle Richard was my childhood. It was a sad excuse of a childhood but he tried his best.

"Ready to go? Your new roommate is expecting you" he said smiling widely.

"Who is this mysterious roommate anyway?" I said climbing in the car, as a man loaded my luggage in the back.

"It's a surprise" uncle Richard answers vaguely.

"Great" I muttered, sinking in my seat.

We drove for about 10 more minutes before we pulled up to a large building. It looked like a apartment building so I imagined this was my new home.

My uncle got out of the car and had one of the workers take my luggage up to my new home.

"Hazel" my uncle called. He pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Go to floor 7 room 196, that's where you'll be staying. Your flat mate will show you everything and your new room."

I took the key and accepted the hug my uncle offered.

"Have fun Hazel!" Uncle Richard yelled out from his car window. He drove off down the road, leaving me standing alone on the sidewalk.

I turned swiftly around, face to face with my new home.

"Here goes nothing" I breathe out before taking a few steps to the entrance.


Do you guys like it? I promise it'll explain more of Hazels life in upcoming chapters.! Also Zayn is introduced in the next so stay tuned man(; please comment an vote and read my other fanfictions. I imagine Hazel as Jana Kramer. If you don't know her look her up and I have a picture on the side.(:

Love, Kally<3

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