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"Hey, Chuuya!"

"Oh Chuuya, always barking like the dog you are."

"Aw, come on~! It's just a little harmless fun, what's the problem?"

Chuuya laid on his bed with his face covered by his pillow. He could barely stand the other boy's antics for a day, he could never make it a whole year!

"God, this is so fucking stupid. Why did he have to be in my class..?" He muttered to himself as he turned to lay on his side.

This was going to be the worst year he had ever had to live through.





The ginger shuddered as he heard the voice he had been dreading since six o'clock in the morning, when he woke up.

He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and immediately kicked the space behind him, knowing he would be kicking his rival's leg. He heard the taller boy yelp out in pain as he smiled to himself.

"What do you want, bastard?" He asked the brunette, turning around.

"I just wanted to say hi to my least favorite person, Is that so bad?" Dazai sneered.

"Yes. Yes it is. I don't want to see or hear you. Ever." Chuuya crossed his arms as he looked up at him.

"Oh come on, you know you don't hate me! In fact, I think you love m-" Dazai started, but was interrupted by a punch in the face. He held the side of his face that was hit and looked into the blue eyes of the shorter boy.

Even Chuuya was surprised at his own action. Why was the reaction so immediate? It was almost like his body had been dreading the very sentence that the other boy had said. Anything with the word 'love' in it had always made him want to vomit. He was never fond of cheesy things that were done 'for love', like heart shaped boxes of chocolates, or flowers, or stuffed bears of any size. He hated it all. Anyone who knew him knew he hated Valentines day with a passion.

"Shut your fucking mouth! I don't know where you got the idea that I like you, let alone love you! I don't know how girls look at you and think that you're hot, I think you're disgusting." Chuuya yelled at him, attracting the attention of surrounding students.

"Aw, how hurtful. You, the hat rack of our class, saying I'm disgusting. I'm sooo hurt." Dazai smirked, knowing he was only ticking his rival off more.

"Just shut your stupid mouth, you don't know anything!" Chuuya continued to yell. "Now go away already!"

"Oh, fine. You're no fun anyway." Dazai told him as he walked away.

The ginger was practically fuming. He hated that guy, he still didn't understand why Dazai had said he loved him. It was annoying him to even think about.

"Uh..." The group behind him said. He turned around to see his group of friends staring at him.

"What?" He asked them, still annoyed by the previous events.

"What's going on with you and Dazai-san?" His friend, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, asked him.

"Yeah, what happened between you two?" A girl they knew, Ichiyo Higuchi, said.

"It's none of your business." Chuuya scowled and dismissed their questions.

"I can't help but notice that you and Dazai aren't on good terms.." Another girl they were friends with, Kouyou Ozaki, noted.

"Ya think?" Chuuya muttered to himself.

"It's quite odd, don't you think?" Gin, Akutagawa's younger sister, inquired.

"What do you mean? I argue with people all the time, how this is any different?" He redirected the question back to her.

" don't usually argue like this with others. Do you two have some sort of special bond?" Kouyou tried to ask questions and dig deeper into the situation, but Chuuya just waved them all off.

"This is a waste of time, so just drop it! It's not important!" He yelled at everyone and stormed off. Hearing them talk about this was irritating. Why were they so keen on figuring it out?

On the way to his next class, he bumped into a group he particularly hated.

"Oh, Chuuya-san. Are you alright?" A white haired boy named Atsushi Nakajima asked him once he realized who they had run into.

"Shut it, man-tiger." Chuuya shushed him.

"It was just a question.." Atsushi looked at his friend, Doppo Kunikida, for help.

"Atsushi asked a question. You should answer." The tall, blonde boy looked down at Chuuya.

"Why is everyone so set on figuring everything out about me today?! God, so annoying!" He walked past the group of people and continued to walk to class.

He had noticed Dazai in the group. He must have made friends with them. Ugh. This was dumb to worry about, so why was he doing just that? Was this Dazai's plan, to make his life a living hell? Nobody had ever cared nearly this much about his life since Dazai joined the school. Dazai. Osamu Dazai. What a stupid name, Chuuya thought. He hated it.

He sat at his desk in math class and listened to whatever the teacher was saying. At least, he tried to. He really wanted to, but his mind kept trailing off to think about how stupid Dazai was. How bad he must be at math. At school. At life in general. Which led him to wonder what all the bandages were for. He never really noticed them when he was paying attention to him, but he seemed to notice now. Which made him even angrier because he could see Dazai in his mind. He could hear his taunts. Wow, Chuuya. The one class he didn't have with Dazai and he still couldn't stop thinking of his stupid face. He shook his head a few times and paid full attention to the teacher.

Once math class was over, he rushed to his science class. Although he disliked school, he did like science. He loved when they talked about things like gravity. He was always a science nerd, at least that's what he was called by his old friends.

Once school was over with, he rushed home and started jotting down ways to kill Dazai in the notebook he had gotten the week before. He was sad to waste it on an idiot like Dazai, but he needed something to hold his genius ideas.

After all, he hated the brunette and his stupidly attractive face.


What did he just think? No, stupid. Just stupid. Not attractive at all. Honestly he wanted him dead so he would never have to see it again.

What a dumb thought.

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