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After that day, things went back to normal. Dazai continued to tease Chuuya, and Chuuya still disliked it. The only difference was that now they were dating, which they had agreed on in private. Nobody knew, at least not to their knowledge.

"Chuuyaaaaaa" Dazai tapped the shorter boy's shoulder.

"What do you want, you walking bag of bandages?" Chuuya groaned, now looking at him.

"Let's go somewhere! School ended after all, we have all the time in the world!" The brunette suggested.

"What makes you think I'll go anywhere with you? You're embarrassing to just be around, I would never want to be seen in public with you!" He yelled.

"Aw, what a shame. I know a really fun arcade..." Dazai sighed. He knew he was tempting the ginger.

"Arcade?" The shorter male looked up at him with a curious expression.

"Yup. But since you don't want to be seen with me..." Dazai began.

"Shut up. I'll go." Chuuya said, already walking.

Dazai chuckled. "This way, chibi."

Chuuya felt his face grow hot with embarrassment as he turned around and continued walking.

"Just shut up already, asshole." He said.




"I win again!" Dazai announced as if the other boy wasn't aware.

Chuuya groaned in annoyance. He was so sure he could win this time.

"I want a rematch!" He yelled from the opposite side of the arcade machines.

"But you know I'll just win again, so what's the point?" Dazai asked him.

"The point is, I get to win against you! I'm going to win this time, I just know it!" Chuuya stated, still yelling.

"You really do get ticked off when you lose, don't you? In case you haven't noticed, you're attracting alot of unwanted attention." The tall boy gestured towards the many faces staring at them due to Chuuya's shouting.

"Just hurry up or I'm going to fucking kill you!" Chuuya swore, practically fuming at this point.

"Fine, fine. But stop barking like that, it's giving me a headache." Dazai smirked.

They played another round of their game, and despite all of his efforts, Chuuya lost once again. This was when he marched over to the other side of the arcade machines and punched Dazai in the face because the bandaged brunette was laughing hysterically.

"Chuuya~ that hurt!" Dazai complained to his short boyfriend.

"Well maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to laugh at me!" Chuuya shouted as he crossed his arms.

"Maybe you should go to an anger management class, I think it would benefit you" Dazai said, earning himself another punch in the face.

"Just shut up already and take me out to eat." Chuuya demanded.

Dazai's eyes widened at the opportunity to tease him again.

"Well, anything for a spoiled bottom like you."


"Not yet. Just a few years~"


Well this little date was interesting, Dazai thought. He loved to see Chuuya's annoyed reactions to his antics, even if he got hurt the majority of the time he made his comments.

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