Try again

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Dazai was still thinking about the previous day and trying to figure out his rival's emotions as he sat in class. Did he actually love him? He was just teasing him, he didn't expect anything to come if it. Chuuya had never acted this way to him, but then again, they haven't seen eachother since they were young kids. This could just be everyday Chuuya. He would have to ask other students about it later.

"Akutagawa-kun, I have a question." Dazai told the boy once class had finished.

"Yes? What is it, Dazai-san?" Akutagawa looked up at the taller boy, actually happy that Dazai had acknowledged his existence.

"Is Chuuya always so...pissed off?" He asked him.

"Yes, he is. Why?" Akutagawa replied without needing to think about it.

"Oh. No reason. Thank you." Dazai thanked him and walked away.

He wasn't sure how to feel about the response he was given. Maybe he was happy about it. He didn't want to be treated any differently than anyone else by Chuuya, but a tiny part of him had hoped that maybe he did like him. He had acknowledged that he liked men just as much as women a long time ago, but not once had he ever thought he would like Chuuya. It was too unexpected, he didn't think he truly loved him. He didn't want to love him. The last time he had truly loved someone, it ended terribly. He still thought about him from time to time.

So Dazai decided to focus on the fact that they still hated eachother. They didn't like eachother, not one bit. Sure, maybe Dazai had found Chuuya looked especially intriguing that day, and maybe he had stared at the ginger for a while, but that didn't mean he loved him. Plus, they were rivals.

"Dazai?" Kunikida snapped the brunette out of his thoughts.

"Hm?" Dazai replied with a look of confusion.

"I'm just making sure you're still aware. We are at school, stop daydreaming." The taller male told him.

"I'm just thinking, not daydreaming." He said, crossing his arms.

"Thinking about what, then?" Kunikida asked as he looked at him.

Dazai opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. He wouldn't be able to tell him that he was thinking of Chuuya and how he could maybe, possibly like him.

But he and Ranpo Edogawa had made eye contact in the process, and he noticed a look in his eyes that he wasn't familiar with. He had never seen it before, but it could only be described as a look of...knowing.

Kunikida sighed and the group continued walking. They sat through class, but Dazai wasn't listening to the teacher. He was deep in thought as to how he could figure out if Chuuya liked him. Unfortunately, he hadn't come up with any ideas. But he was stopped while walking out of class by a certain blue-eyed ginger, and in a more...unusual way.

Chuuya grabbed the taller male by his tie and pulled him down so they were looking in eachother's eyes, as they had been just a day before. Dazai just stared at him with surprise. There were only a few inches between the two boys' faces, and for just a short moment, Dazai thought about closing the gap.

Meanwhile, Chuuya was studying the other male's face with great interest. He was trying to find what had given him the same fuzzy feeling he had felt the day prior. He realized that the two places it felt the strongest were Dazai's eyes, and...

His lips.

Dazai looked around without moving his head to make sure no one was near. Once he realized nobody was there, he smirked at the shorter boy.

"What's this, Chuuya~?" Dazai asked, making him narrow his eyes at the brunette.

"Shut up, bastard. I'm thinking." Chuuya replied as he realized he couldn't take his eyes off of the other boy's lips.

"I see. What are you thinking about, hm?" Dazai made him think even more.

"I said shut up." He was starting to get irritated with the boy in front of him.

"Make me."

Chuuya looked back up at Dazai's eyes to make sure he was serious. He nodded.

"Go ahead. You have my permission." The tall boy told him.

Chuuya wasted no time with kissing him. Dazai didn't hesitate to kiss back and wrap his arms around the gingers waist and pulling him even closer, deepening the kiss. They definitely liked eachother, there was no denying it, so they didn't try to. They let themselves like eachother as much as they wanted in that moment.

After a moment, they pulled away. Dazai smiled as Chuuya blushed and hid his face in Dazai's shirt.

"I love you, Chuuya." Dazai told him, looking down at the orange mess that was Chuuya's hair.

"You say it like it's not obvious, idiot. I love you too." Chuuya replied, his words muffled by the boy's shirt. Dazai laughed quietly to himself.

"We need to go to class. We're already late." He told Chuuya.

He removed himself from the Dazai's shirt and they walked to class together.

They agreed to tell nobody about what happened, so nothing would go around and they wouldn't be looked at differently. They were both relieved they agreed.

Little did they know...

"I knew it." A male voice whispered to himself with a smirk, walking away from his hiding place.

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