A fuzzy feeling

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Chuuya walked down the halls of the school with his friends. They were talking about their new teachers for the year, and argued about who they thought would fail who's class. They all collectively agreed that Kouyou would pass every class she took with flying colors, as she always had.

As they walked, Chuuya spotted Dazai and his little group of friends. He specifically noted the tall brunette flirting with a couple of girls who were red-faced and giggling as he sweet talked them into doing his homework. The ginger scoffed as Dazai walked away from the girls, unintentionally getting the taller boy's attention. The two stared at eachother with a good distance between them.

Suddenly, he felt like he was floating. He couldn't hear his group anymore. And for some reason, he couldn't seem to look away. Looking into Dazai's entrancing, chocolate brown eyes made him feel slightly nervous. Slowly, that nervousness grew into a feeling he couldn't properly describe. He could feel his heartbeat growing quicker each second they stared at eachother, and he realized he had butterflies in his stomach. He felt his face grow hot. What was this? He couldn't think straight, especially not with this new feeling.

Suddenly he heard something and snapped out of it. He looked at his friends.

"What happened?" Michizo Tachihara asked.

"I'm going to puke." Chuuya blatantly replied, walking away. His statement wasn't wrong in a way; he did feel like he was going to puke.

He got to the bathroom, locked himself in a stall, pulled out his phone, and typed his symptoms into Google to try and figure out why he felt this way. He thought it was just hating Dazai even more, but Google had something different to say.


Hell no. Not love. He only liked girls, he was straight. Right?

Come to think of it, he had never really felt any romantic feelings for anyone. Sure, he thought some girls were cute, but he was never really attracted to them. Guys on the other hand...he had thought some guys were attractive, and had possibly even entertained the idea of being in a relationship with one, although he never did act upon it. He could never imagine himself with anyone, really. He was always too busy hating romance to ask someone out, and nobody ever asked him out because they all knew he would have said no.

He didn't like Dazai, he decided. And even if he did, he wouldn't like him back, right? Nobody would like someone like him, who hurt people in multiple ways. Stupid Dazai was making him think this way, wasn't he? How?

He brushed the thoughts off and decided to pretend this whole thing didn't happen. He put his phone away and went back out into the hallway. It was empty of course, and he made his way to his first class.

"You're late." His teacher told him as he walked in. "Sit down."

And so he did. He sat down in his chair and spotted Dazai who was in his own seat, and who had seemed to look away when he was noticed by the boy. Weird, Chuuya thought. He listened to the lesson, occasionally feeling a pair of eyes on him. He knew exactly who was staring at him, but decided not to do anything about it. He was too preoccupied with class to care this time.

Once class was finished, Chuuya heard the voice that annoyed him the most.

"Chuu~ya! How are you doing on this fine day, chibi?" Dazai called out to him as he was walking to their next class.

"Go away, shitty Dazai." Chuuya demanded, continuing to walk as Dazai caught up to him.

"Oh come on, let me walk with you!" The taller boy said. "there's no point in saying no, because I'm going to walk with you either way."

"Tch, whatever. Just don't talk to me!" He scoffed.

Dazai complied for a minute, but that was it. A part of him knew that Chuuya did, in fact, want to hear his voice. And Chuuya knew it too.

"So, what have you been up to?" Dazai asked, making Chuuya sigh. why had he actually expected Dazai to stay quiet? He should have known better.

"hating you." Chuuya blankly replied. Dazai smirked.

"Is that all? Because it sounds to me like I take up the majority of your thoughts. Am I correct, Chuuya~?" He teased.

Chuuya's face felt hot again, exactly as it had earlier. "Shut up!"

"You aren't denying it, how interesting.. are you aware that you're blushing?" Dazai pointed out, making Chuuya stop in his tracks.

Blushing? He must be lying, Chuuya would never blush because of a waste of bandages like him.

"I am not! Go away!" He yelled and ran the rest of the way to class, leaving Dazai with a confused look on his face. Chuuya's feelings seemed somewhat complicated to decipher.

Chuuya avoided him for the rest of the day. He never wanted to see Dazai again. Ever. At least, that's what he kept telling himself. He knew, deep down, that he did want to see him again. Him and his stupid face. He was confused with himself and his feelings. He did know one thing though, and it was that he wanted to experience that fuzzy feeling again. He had only felt it once, but now he realized that he couldn't live without it. He couldn't tell where it had come from, though. What had happened when he felt it? He was staring into Dazai's eyes. Was it his eyes? Was that what happened when everyone stared into them like that? Would it happen again if he looked at them again? He had to find out. But he would do it tomorrow. He didn't want to face Dazai again that day, he would probably continue to tease him about the earlier event. At least tomorrow there would be a chance he would have forgotten about it. God, he hoped he would have forgetten about it.

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