Kouyou's Crush

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Chuuya walked into class and saw Dazai with his friends, as usual. It seemed as if this was going to be another day of pretending to hate eachother. No, hate was too strong a word to use, wasn't it? Though, their behavior towards eachother at school was an act, so did it really matter what word he used for it?

Chuuya was too deep in thought to notice someone walking up to him. When he heard the person's voice, he jumped and turned to look at them. It ended up being Kouyou.

"Good morning." She said to him when he sighed in relief.

"Morning. Hey, I've got a question." Chuuya told her, making her raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?" She asked.

He hesitated for a moment. Could he actually tell her about him and Dazai? There was only one way to find out. But maybe there was a way around asking about their relationship directly.

"Have you ever liked anyone that, ya know...you weren't really allowed to?" He inquired.

Kouyou just blinked, as if she was trying to piece something together. After a moment, she smiled.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked him. Chuuya knew immediately that she thought he had a crush on Dazai. Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. He decided to play along for now.

"What? No way, I just asked a question!" He said.

"Alright, alright." She laughed. "Well, in regards to your question, I have. Or at least, I won't allow myself to talk about my crush on her."

"Huh? 'her'?" He asked.

Kouyou laughed again. "Yes, her."

Chuuya stared at her, dumbfounded. Kouyou wasn't straight?

"I see you're a bit confused, so I'll tell you about my little crush. But you cannot tell anyone else about this, alright?" She said.

Chuuya nodded.

"Well, I've liked her for quite a while now. She always looks so beautiful, like some sort of angel. I could never bring myself to talk to her. In fact, I still love her. But I could never tell someone as gorgeous as her."

"Does she go here?"

"Yes, she does. Actually, she's in this very room, And if I described her I think you would know who she is."

"Describe her, I wanna figure it out."

"If I describe her, will you describe your crush to me? Because I know you have one."

Chuuya hesitated for a moment. It seems like this would be how she found out about him and Dazai's relationship.

"Fine." Chuuya agreed.

"She has this lovely short purple hair, and she has kind of magenta-ish eyes, I believe. She's around 5'5.." Kouyou said, watching her friend scan the room for the girl she loved.

Chuuya's eyes landed on a girl on the other side of the room. She looked exactly how Kouyou had described the girl. He understood why she wouldn't admit she liked her to anyone else. She was standing there, talking to Kunikida, Dazai, Ranpo and Kenji. Their group's enemies. He looked at her, and she was staring at the girl lovingly, but with a sad smile.

"She can never find out. We never talk, but she might hate me afterward." She sighed. "Anyway, it's your turn."

"Okay, well...he's tall. and he has brown hair. And-"

Kouyou pointed at Dazai, and Chuuya just sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Him. But there's more to it."

"Oh? What is it?"

"We're dating."

Now it was Kouyou's turn to look at him. "Dating?"

"Yeah. Don't tell anyone though." He told her.

"I won't." She agreed.

"Want me to set you up with her?" He asked his taller friend.

"But-" She started, but the ginger stopped her.

"Don't say she'll hate you or some shit. I know she's not straight either, look at her. And, Dazai told me she's single. Who knows? Maybe she likes you too." Chuuya told her, making her think.

After a moment she replied with, "Alright, I suppose it couldn't hurt anybody."

"Great, let's go." Chuuya began walking towards to group while dragging Kouyou by the arm.

"What are you doing?!" She whispered to him.

"Making you two talk, that's what!" He whispered back.

They walked over and Chuuya put on his 'I hate Dazai with every inch of my physical being' face.

"Hey, asshole!" He yelled to Dazai, making the brunette turn to look at him.

"What do you want, Chuuya?" He asked. "I see you brought a friend. Hello there."

"She wants to talk to your friend here. Yosano. That's your name, right?" The shorter boy turned to her.

"That's me, yeah. Kouyou, right?" Yosano said.

"Yes." The tall girl replied.

Chuuya thought for a moment. It was obvious Kouyou wasn't going to make any big moves on her own, so he had to do something to get them talking. But what could he do? He could say something nice about his friend to Yosano, but that couldn't do much to make them friends, let alone get her crush interested. Then he had an idea.

"My friend over here just wanted you to know that she thinks you're hot, Yosano." Chuuya said without a second thought.

Kouyou shot him a look that only said "What are you doing?!"

"Really?" Yosano asked, looking at Kouyou.

"Totally. She especially likes your hair." He replied, which earned him a nudge from his female friend.

Kouyou whispered to him through gritted teeth. "What are you saying?"

"What you're too scared to say." He answered with a smirk, noticing her slightly red face.

"Kouyou?" Yosano said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, what is it?" She looked at the other girl.

"Are you free after school?" The purple haired girl asked.

Dazai was watching this with an amused look on his face. He was enjoying watching all of this unfold. Chuuya noticed his expression and smiled to himself. He was enjoying this just as much as Dazai was.

"Well, I- uh...yes, I am. Why do you ask?" Kouyou told her, making Yosano smile aswell.

"I was thinking that, if you'd like, we could go out somewhere? Maybe watch a movie?" She replied. Kouyou stared at her in shock. This was not expected, but she decided not to waste the opportunity.

"I would like that very much." She replied with a smile on her face.

"Great. Can I have your number?" Yosano smirked. "Whenever I go out with someone gorgeous, I like to have their phone number."

Kouyou blushed, and they exchanged phone numbers. They agreed that Yosano would pick her up at 6:00 after school, and they would go to the shorter girl's place to watch some cute movies like The Notebook. Kunikida, Ranpo and Kenji decided that this was too cute to interrupt and so they didn't say anything that whole conversation. Everyone went to their seats and waited a few minutes for their teacher, that was late due to traffic. Chuuya gave Kouyou a thumbs up, and she just smiled and shook her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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