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Two people fighting in despair, they clearly didn't want to kill each other, but their eyes reflected everything, Y/n knew that if she killed Itadori, Gojo would kill her without any hesitation but Y/n didn't want to kill that kid

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Two people fighting in despair, they clearly didn't want to kill each other, but their eyes reflected everything, Y/n knew that if she killed Itadori, Gojo would kill her without any hesitation but Y/n didn't want to kill that kid. On the other hand, Yuji was runnig to Nanami and luckily he was nearby, Yuji told him the whole story, Nanami was furious now, he gritted his teet together:

-How dare she come back after letting him lives in hell?-He dragged Yuji to Yaga and others teacher places and told them avout the situation. The atmosphere was eerily silent, even Yuji and the others students were overwhelmed because of it.


Today, Y/n had a mission with Gojo, they had to exorcise a 1st grade curse in an abandoned prison in the northern surburb of Tokyo. Stepped out of the car, the both could feel clearly the smell of blood and death floating in the air:

-Stay by me, I'll protect you.-Gojo said while staring at the building, hand held her palm.

-Hey, I'm a 2nd grade socerer now, it's not that hard Satoru, I'll be fine.-She patted the man's back, they went into the building. Y/n and Gojo was seperated when they got into the building, he fell in a dark place with skeletons everywhere, as he knew, the prison was abandoned after some prisoners disappeared the day before and their corpse was found the day after, he slowly walked along and surveyed the situation. From the dark some curses jumped out but they was 4th grade curses so they didn't took he long time to exorcise them. Gojo was more worried about his girl-Y/n. 

On the other side, Y/n also fell in a dark place, but she heard the sound of something eating, quickly, she turned back and faced the 1st grade curse, it sitting on a bunch of human skeleton and chewing an arm of a man. She stepped a few steps back, hand held tightly her katana-it was a present from her mother. The curse seemed to pay attention to her, it laughed at the cautious girl and went off its position, using its long and sticky arms to attacked her but she could dodged it and cut it. The curse yelled out in frustration, its red eyes lighted in the dark, the ground started to twist and spin. Y/n ticked her tounge, it was annoying as she was stuck in its domain and she didn't know clearly about the curse, it might be difficult to use her own domain against it.

She rushed in and attacked it, sliced it into pieces but everything was solve, this was a 1st grade curse, ofc it wasn't easy to kill. No matter how many time she sliced it, the curse gathered together into a sticky form and became more furious. But all her attention paid into a small core in its chest.

"That might be the solution."-Y/n thought to herself, but because the core was small, that would make she fail to stab and break it. "God, I hate to think that I only have a chance. But I'll exorcise you."

Easily dodged the attack from the curse, Y/n had a chance to come closer to it, to put the sword in front of her and was about to stab it when it off its guard. Just a few inches, but everything went wrong, the curse was fast, Y/n was grabbed back by its tentacles and smashed her to the ground many times, Y/n felt dizzy and blood streamed down her face, sticked on her uniform, she smelt the smell of dust and blood, she heard the voice of the curse, it was laughing at her. Y/n tried to sit up and used her last bit of strength to aim the core of it and threw the sword.

Was she dreaming? The sword stabbed right into the core and the curse screaming in pain, besides, her sword broke and she saw a man came to her.

Gojo came right on time and controled the sword to stab the curse, it screamed in pain, and slowly disappeared, he coldly looked at it then turned back the the girl laying on the floor.

He shook her body, Y/n was badly injured, Gojo carried her out the prison and rushed into the car, he held her bloody body in his arms, Y/n'd fainted, he blamed himself for not being earlier, the girl's breathe became weaker, he held her more tightly, bitting his lips:

-I'm sorry Y/n, just a few more minutes, you can do it. Please breath!

Y/n woke up in a white room, with many tubes on her body and beside her, she felt pain sprode in her body and the bandage on her skin, she slightly sighed. She'd failed again. Outside, her friends bursted into the room, Shoko gave her a hug while Suguru put a kiss on her hand and Satoru smiled at her:

-Thanks god you've woken up.-Gojo said.

-How do you feel now?-Shoko asked, looking at her friend's body.

-Not very great, thanks. Ugh.. how many bones are broken this time?-Y/n answered Shoko.

-There are 4 in total.-Suguru said, he took out some sweets and put them on the table beside her.-I brought you some of your favourite sweets.

-Thank you Suguru, you're at sweet as usual.-In the corner of her eyes, she saw his face heated up. The nurse stepped inside and told them to go out as she need to check Y/n's wounds.

10pm, Y/n sat lonely in her room, she still felt a bit painful and hungry too. The door opened and a familiar shadow stepped in, he was holding some food and grinning at her:

-Just right on time Satoru. I'm dying because of hunger.

-Right, don't rush!-He said, put the food on the table and gave her chopsticks and spoon.-Enjoy your lunch.

-Thank you.-Y/n was abut to have a spoon of her f/f but Gojo took the spoon on her hand, she frowned at him.-C'mon, I'm starving to die, stop joking.

-Your hands are still hurt, let me do this for you.-Gojo fed her, Y/n was embarrassed at first but she ignored it. At the moment, she was happy because of the dish Gojo got for her, it was delicious, but Y/n slightly sighed.-What's that? Still hungry.

-I'm full man but staying in hospital like this is boring and Satoru, I'm sorry.

-For what?-Gojo looked at her while chewing food in his mouth, Y/n smiled at his cuteness but her face went back to the first state.

-I think I've been a burdern for you since our mission.-Gojo knocked her head, Y/n yelled out in pain, holding her head.

-Bullshit, you're not a burdern to anyone.-He rubbed her hair.-You're more valuable than gold or diamond, and you're precious to me.

Satoru lowered his voice at the last sentence so Y/n wouldn't hear that. Y/n's face heated on and she looked away, avoided the man's gaze, the atmosphere in the room was hotter than ever because of their embarrassment.

-Thanks!-Y/n spoke up first, her voice shaking. She lifted her face up and looked at the shy man.-Next time you come to visit me, please bring more f/f.

-I will miss L/n.-That was a effective way to banish this obnoxious awkward atmosphere, Satoru grinned at her and nodded.-I'll take care of you for the rest of my life Y/n-chan.


-I promise.

--------------End flashback----------------------

She broke their promise, what an asshole.

Grabbing him by the collar, she whispered into his ear:

-When did you become so weak? Stand up and fight me or I should say kill me.

Satoru looked at her, he slightly gulped and stood up but Y/n kicked him in the chest made him fall behind, she knew that Gojo wasn't fighting seriously at all, he still didn't want to hurt her. Y/n's heart was screaming, she didn't need that, she wanted him to kill her, she couldn't put up with seeing him like this. But Geto was standing nearby, she could do nothing.

But there was a limit to human endurance, she could feel her body became weaker, she came close to him and bent down, mumbled into his ear:

-Geto is near here.-The man's eyes went wide, she continued.-Satoru, if you don't wanna fight, then I'll kill Yuji.

The man looked at her, his gaze showed all the pain he had to suffer, he strangled her tightly as if Y/n could no longer breath. She smirked at the man and easily took his hands out, right now, she wanted a fair match between two sides before she die.

" I'm sorry but this is the last solution."

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