Childhood Sweetheart

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"Paula, how are you. Hope you are fine. This is me, Ara. I wish to ask you a big favor. Please could you come home just for this time? Bob was in a car accident and is now fighting for his life. He requested of you. Please come home soonest."

That was Bob's sister who wrote Paula the message. Bob was Paula's childhood sweetheart. Both their families were close friends. They were together in their high school and early college but had lost each other due to a rare circumstance when Bob was training in the military. Bob married a mischievous woman but divorced her later on. Bob's family was for Paula but since they lost each other's communication back then, they had to accept what Bob's life had became.

After Bob divorced his wife, he was in constant communication with Paula. Sometimes both of them would go back to their past and end up blaming each other for what happened. Then both of them agreed to just stay friends no matter what.

This time, while Bob was fighting for his life, he wished to be with Paula and requested of her to come home.

Paula was too worried that she can't wait until the company event was over. She couldn't sleep that night.

Early Sunday morning, Paula got up and went outside for a walk and morning coffee. John was waiting for her outside.

"Hello good morning. Are you okay? What happened? Why is this kind of look? You only have that when you worry about something. Tell me please?"

"John. A friend of mine was involved in a car accident yesterday and right now he's fighting for his life. I wanna see him right now I want to be with him." She said as she started crying.

John immediately hugged her to comfort her. "Where is he now? Do you want me to drive you there?"

"I so wanted to leave now but I don't want to ruin the outing. We can go right after the closing program."

"Sure. Allow me to drive for you okay? I'll just ask Ken to bring my car back. Na kap?"

"Okay. But drive for me only until Bangkok. Cause I don't know how long will I stay there."

"No, I can't let you drive alone in such situation."

"John. Kawp khun mak na ka?"


Paula quickly grabbed her staff from her bedroom and went to see Ethan before leaving to the province where Bob was. John was waiting for her in the carpark.

"When did you arrive? Oh what is this? You're leaving again?" Ethan asked as he saw Paula with a bigger bag.

"Ethan, I had to go home. A friend is seriously ill due to car accident the other day. Bob, remember?"

"Your ex-boyfriend."

"Yeah. Ara messaged me to come home for Bob. He wanted to see me."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Not sure."

Ethan's face was obviously sad and jealous. He knew that Bob was Paula's first love and that both their families were close friends. And that both their families were for both of them. He knew everything that happened to Bob and Paula from day one. Paula told him and Bella all about it. He knew that Bob and Paula were communicating and that both have reserved special places in their hearts for each other. That both still love each other.

Paula sighed as she looked at Ethan. "Don't give me that look will you? It makes me worry about you. John will drive going there. But I'm not sure how long will I stay in Korat so maybe he will just take the bus back."

Ethan also knew about John pursuing Paula. Paula had mentioned him to both Ethan and Bella before. This added to Ethan's uneasiness. Ethan felt so helpless and miserable. He was thinking he's supposed to be the one driving her to Korat but he's so useless at that state. So he just kept quit.

After both of them had finished talking, Paula was headed to the door but Ethan grabbed her from the back and hugged her.

"Will you come back quickly for me? Na kap?"

Paula smiled and turned to him saying,
"Of course, I will." Just in time Ethan gently kissed her on the lips. It was the first time. Paula was shocked and speechless. She hurriedly pulled back only to find out Ethan was on himself alone without the crutches. She was so amazed and so happy about this huge improvement of Ethan's condition. She hurriedly hugged him and congratulated him.

"Since when were you able to do this? I'm so happy for you."

Ethan was a little confused about what Paula was talking about. Only to find out that he wasn't using the crutches when he grabbed Paula from the back. He was also shocked.

"Did I really make it? Thank you God. Thank you." Was all he can say.

"Congratulations Ethan. I have to go now. John has been waiting in the carpark."

Ethan waved his hand with a sweet smile on his face.


"Thanks John for being there for me nah? I have to stay longer than expected. I'm sorry but you have to go back alone. I'm staying here for 2 or 3 days."

"Not a problem Paula. Glad I was able to help you out. If anything comes up don't hesitate to shoot me a message okay? Who else will help you. Na kap?"



Paula's heartbeat was racing as she entered Bob's icu room. She saw him so helpless and almost lifeless. It was too heartbreaking for her to see him again in this state after a long time. She grabbed his hand and put it on her face. "Bob, it's Paula. Will you wake up for me?" Her tears fell unexpectedly. Bob's mom and sisters were also around. Ara went close to Paula to comfort her.

Paula was tracing Bob's facial features with her finger as she was watching him. "Bob, you can do it na ka? We still have plans right? You still have to bring me to beautiful places. Please Bob. Wake up."

Bob's mom came to Paula and hugged her to give her the comfort she needed. "Bob will wake up in time for you Paula. Don't worry."

"Mom." She said as she cried on her shoulder.

"The damage on his head was huge. The operation was successful but the doctor said it was up to him to survive. They couldn't give high assurance. Let's have faith the Bob can do it."

Paula has been in touch with Bob but lately it was strange that Bob didn't contact her. Has he been undergoing something? Was it about his wife? How did the accident happen?

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