Side Swipe

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In Paula's company office...

"Hey Paula, please meet Kaye, my girlfriend." John introduced.

"Oh, hi Kaye. Nice to meet you. How long have you guys been together? How come I didn't hear anything?" Paula teased John.

"Not too long after Kaye started working here. Sorry I disobeyed the rule of not having any personal affairs at work. Promise I'll behave properly." John told Paula

"I don't mind John as long as work time is work time." She meant no dating during working hours. "I'll go ahead, you two enjoy your lunch together."

"She's too kind, and pretty. No wonder you fell for her." Kaye teased John.

John told Kaye everything about him and Paula and that Paula turned him down because of their age gap.

After office hours, Paula was about to head to the parking when Ethan emerged from nowhere.

"What are you doing here? How were you able to get in?"

"I told the guard I'm your fiancè. He let me in without a word." Ethan teased Paula. "Will you spend dinner with me tonight?"

"How did you know I wanted to chill out? I'm so exhausted today. Wanna eat something delicious."

"How about dinner in a sky bar?"

Paula agreed so they went to a hotel rooftop restaurant.

The city lights were amazing. The skyways and the cars passing through decorated the city making it more dynamic.

"How's John. Is he still seeing you?" Ethan asked out of silence.

"John just got a girlfriend from another department. He introduced her to me today. She's pretty."


"Nah... why would I be? We're not into something." I mean yeah, but I turned him down long time ago."

"Seriously? I thought you said you wanna try it with him? No?"

"Ethan I was just teasing you when I said that. Truth was, we already agreed to stay friends even before I went to see and married Bob." Paula was laughing.

Ethan was speechless. And happy.

"Why didn't you tell me. I really thought you're gonna try it with him."

Paula continued laughing a teasing laugh.

"You were so cute when you immediately changed mood that night you know?"


"Yeah." Paula continued teasing him.

In the car going back home....

"So would this mean you're gonna drive me to work tomorrow?"

"Why is that?"

"Cause I left my car in the office."

"Oh, yeah. How come I forgot already. Of course I'll drive you there. What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

Paula was rolling her eyes trying to think of something yummy for breakfast but she can't comeup with anything.

"Anything will do. Wait, you're making me breakfast? Don't bring it home, I'll come over instead."

"Much better madam. Tell Lyka to have her breakfast at home too." Ethan teased her.


"Thanks for the breakfast and the morning ride. I'm so lucky. 😁😁😁"

"Mmmm." Ethan was looking at her while nodding.

"Drive safely na kha?"

"Khap. Oh, how about dinner tonight?"

"Again? Hahaha. Bye."

"I'll call you later. Pickup ok?" Ethan said as he drove back.

Paula was smiling while walking into her company building. John saw them from a distance so he walked faster so he could catch Paula.

"Sawadeekrap Ms. Paula."

"Hmm? Sawadeekha. Why so formal today?"

"Nothing. Hahaha. So are you guys dating? Your're blooming these past few days."

"Seriously? Umhh, what do you think of him John? You know him right?"

"Yeah, I know him and I guess you two look good together. I'm jealous. Hahahaha. Just kidding."

"Hahaha nice joke. Seriously, do you think it would be a good idea to date him?"

"Wait, you're not together yet?"

"Honestly, we've been together for so long and we've been there for each other but we don't have a label. It's like, I don't know."

"I know. You've been through a lot already. So why not date? I knew he's the reason why you turned me down. You liked him. Am I right? If you're happy then go for it. I'll support you."

"Wow. John, can't believe you're so good at giving advises. But, yeah. I cared for him and I'm worried about him. He actually asked me if we could be together. I guess, after hearing your thoughts, I already have an answer to his question."

"I'm happy for you Paula. You have my thumbs up."

"Thanks. Okay see you around."


"Mom, uncle Ethan is in the hospital. He got a car accident and bumped his head. Will you be here quickly?"

"Oh my. Okay I'll be right there."

Paula was shaking as she rushed to the carpark and drove fast to the hospital where Ethan was. When she came Ethan was still unconscious.

"Are you alone Lyka. Have you eaten already? You go eat out and bring me food okay? Don't be too long so that you can go back home early."

"Mom, Evan is with me. I asked him to accompany me here. He's in the toilet."

"Hello Auntie. How are you." Evan was as polite as ever. He was Paula's friend's son. Both Evan and Lyka grew up together.

"Thanks for accompanying Lyka. You better go have dinner. Lyka bring some food for me nah?"

"Okay, auntie." "Okay, mom."

"These two look good together. I wonder if they're dating or what." Paula thought.

Paula went to Ethan and held his hand. She noticed it moved. She looked at him and was amazed that he woke up just in time that she's there.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now that you're here. I thought it was already my last. Some car just suddenly appeared infront of me."

"That's okay. Police said you just got side swept and not the main involved. Are you sure you're okay now?"

They both heard a knock on the door as dinner was served. Paula was feeding Ethan when Evan and Lyka came back to bring her food and hurriedly left for home. So Paula also ate while feeding Ethan.

"So this is our dinner you meant this morning?" Paula teased Ethan. Ethan just smiled.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this. I'll make up next time. Promise.

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