// "She's got a boyfriend anyway" \\

155 6 3

1st June, The 1975.

// T W O \\

"But we're suppose to go bowling tonight" I said onto the phone as I put my paint brush down and held my phone properly

"I know babe, but my parents really want me at Lucy's dinner" Nate explained. Today we were gonna do our usual Thursday night out, but his family was making him go to his cousins dinner which obviously they haven't suggested for me to come "I'll make it up to you I promise, I'll get my driver to pick you up tomorrow and bring you back to my place"

"Alright" I mumbled "I have to go, bye " I said before quickly hanging up. I was still in university even though it was nearly 7pm, but I didn't wanna go home and be alone so I just stayed here, plus it doesn't close till 8. I washed my hands then put my painting away to dry and grabbed my bag making my way out. I walked out and held the door open to someone I heard coming behind me

"Thanks" he stopped and looked at me "hey it's you again" the familiar boy from yesterday stood there

"Yeah, wh-what are you doing here at this time?" I asked as we both started walking

"What are YOU doing here at this time?" He asked and smirked

"I was doing tomorrow's work" I scoffed at my geekiness "do you go to school here?" I asked

"Started yesterday with 3 other mates" he smiled

"What you in for?" I asked

"Music, although I don't think imma be here for long" I raised my eyebrows "school stuff..." He inhaled deeply then breathed out "... Not really my thing"

I laughed quietly "oh so you have a thing?" I joked

"Yeah something like that. What are you in for?" He asked as we stopped at the bus stop

"Art and Drama although I take music as well but just for fun" I told him. He nodded and looked at his phone then back at me

"Hey what you doing tonight?" He asked

"Uh-" I looked at my phone that had no new messages or calls... What a shocker "-nothing anymore, but I have a feeling you're about to tell me?"

He nodded quickly and smirked "how about a small party? At my mate's house?" I hesitated "it will be fun!!"

"I wouldn't know anybody? Hec- I-I don't even know you" I told him and laughed

"I'll stay with you and introduce you" he confirmed "and parties are fun cause I'll get to know you"

"Alright fine but we have to go back to my house so I can shower cause I smell like paint" we both laughed. We got on the bus and took a seat at the back. He stared out the window as the lights from other cars shone onto his face, I took advantage of this to just stare at him, he looked awfully familiar yet I couldn't put my finger around it, I felt like the answer was at the tip of my tongue but it just wouldn't get out. I sighed and gave up "so do you play an instrument?" I asked him

He turned to me and spoke "yeah, I play piano and guitar, I sing but not the type of voice that would make you melt" he said, I scoffed not really believing those last few words, his accent alone could make someone melt, I can imagine him singing- weirdly enough I actually can  "You alright you love?" He asked snapping me from my thoughts

"Yeah! Sorry I tend to daydream quite a lot-" I looked out "-shoot it's this stop" I pressed bus stop and we got off, we walked past the lion statue I have to see everyday, I looked to my right and he wasn't next to me he was staring at the museum "Hey" I called him "everything alright?" I asked

So Far ••• Matty Healy ••• {SlowUpdatesBcoz...School}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя