Chapter 3

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I made it back to my apartment and spilled all the parts on top of the petite coffee table. I picked up each one individually and examined every component of each item. Some had high potential and I could use them in later inventions, others were a complete scam, they looked good but were only useful as parts of the camera/light source. I stuffed all the items in a duffel bag and shoved it into a high cabinet behind some tapestry of plates, when you open the cabinet it looks like it holds plates, but when you shove your hand into the upper right it folds down revealing what is behind it, in this case, a duffel bag. I closed the cabinet and sat on my coffee colored couch. I summoned the remote into my hand and turned on the television.

Aubrey Mikewood, last seen on May 3rd in Windchester New Jersey, if found please call the following number...

"Missed that much, huh?" I shut off the tv and threw the remote, the tv turned back on.

This woman was found in the the security footage, if found please bring to local police...

"A 100 year old vampire would have never been able to do what I did." I exhaled getting off the couch.

The woman in the footage had ginger hair and a full face of makeup, or at least it seemed like it in the 1 second of footage. I crushed the cameras almost as soon as I entered the room, I also wore a wig and a full face of makeup to hide my identity from the public. Some vampires go around feeding in their regular identities and often get caught and hunted down, I only got caught because the vampire hunters managed to do some research and find out I was the woman in the footage. If they are true vampire hunters, they won't spill the beans on me, they'll keep it a secret that way the public doesn't get in the way. Meanwhile, I can show my face to the public, no one else would know I was the woman in the footage besides the 'hunters'. I never regretted my decision about choosing Aubrey, she was perfect from head to toe. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the Maycie girl was her sister. They were polar opposites, Aubrey was a beautiful woman with brunette hair, green emerald eyes, perfect lips, light freckles, and just absolutely amazing. Maycie, on the other hand, was a red head with curly hair and dark green eyes, she looked a lot like an older version of Nina from Nina Needs To Go if I'm being completely honest. I don't worry too much about the 'hunters' since they only use stereotypical weapons that will work on Count Dracula and only Count Dracula. For starters, the sun doesn't affect me as much as you'd expect, I only get burned if I'm in it too long, like an hour or so, but that's only if I go out with nothing protecting me like sunscreen or a sunhat to keep the sun out of my face. I don't burn to death if I go out in it for a hot second. Stereotypical vampires are so weak sometimes.

I headed out to Springdales to get some apartment needs, not so much food, I don't eat as much as a human. I can still eat human food just only a few snacks, nothing like a huge thanksgiving dinner or full blown breakfast. On my way to Springdales it seemed normal, no suspicious cars or unknown helicopters, and no spies in black suits or costumes. It was just, a normal day. I entered Springdales and did my usual shopping, I bought some new clothes too. Nothing was off, I knew they hadn't given up, not with Maycie's attitude. She seems like the girl that's bossy and everyone fears her if she gets upset. That thought got me thinking, what would I do if I was a human in today's society, what job would I have? Would I have a family and kids to watch me grow old? Would I go on dates with my significant other, would I even have a significant other? How much money would I have? Would my friends care? Would I even have friends? I snapped out of that moment. I was standing in the middle of town's square, there was a man playing guitar with his case open for people to place money inside, children running around as their parents laughed and sat together, teenagers coming out of stores with their hands full of bags, couples sitting in chairs eating lunch. I rubbed my eyes and thought of the life they have that I didn't and never will get. I started to head back to my car, when I made it to the lot there was a man about to rob another person. I tiredly got into my car and looked out the window at the man. He was approaching the other man who was starting to open his car's door. He placed his hands on the innocent guy's shoulders as the man turned around. He shook him vigorously. The guy put his hands up in innocence with fear in his eyes. I got out of my car, shut the door and locked it. I paced over to the guy and punched his face nearly hitting the other guy. The car thief turned his head and pushed the innocent into his own car. I took a step back as he approached me.

"What's a little lady like you doing here?" He asked checking me out.

"What's an old hag like you doing here?" I shot back.

"I'm no lady-" his voice deepened.

"Sorry, my mistake, you just seem like you fight like a grandmother and scream like a little girl." I could see he took offense to that.

He ran up to me as I slid out of the way. We shot a few punches but eventually I knocked him out after a kick to the neck and another punch to the head. He lied still as I picked him up and sat him against a tree. An officer walked out of the building and I flagged her down to come pick up the car hijacker. I explained to her what happened and she took care of the rest as the rest of the officers soon appeared. I went to check up on the man who almost got his car stolen.

"Are you alright?" I asked

"Yes, thanks to you. I'm Miguel, Miguel Goldenshteen."

"Samantha Parkins" we shook hands.

"That was amazing, thank you so much." He thanked, "but one tiny thing I'd like to say..."

I nodded at him.

"...this isn't my car, my car is the red one over there." He sounded worried by saying that, like I was going to become the next car thief if he were to say it any other way. I looked over at the part of the lot he was pointing to, the only red car in that section was a red Porsche, a waxed, perfectly made, Porsche.

"The Porsche?" I asked.

"Yes, this car right here belongs to someone else, I'm just glad none of the cars got damaged or you." He explained.

I nodded, "have a good day, sir."

"Wait!" He stopped me. He went in his pocket to fetch his wallet. He opened it up and handed me a small invitation, "I'm having a party and I would like you to come, you can bring friends as well. It's a thank you for saving me today."

"I'll definitely consider, thank you." I headed back to my car.

When I got into my car I opened the invitation and noticed where it would be held, Goldenshteen Night Club. It was official, this man was rich, filthy rich.

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