Chapter Six

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As you waited patiently for everyone to return from the job, you started to think of all the different ways you could gather the information Striker needed. It felt so wrong to betray everyone, but it was that or dying. You also couldn't honestly say that you weren't in it for selfish reasons either. You really wanted to know the truth no one seemed to be willing to tell you other than Striker.

Everyone returned through the portal, cheering over another successful job. Blitzo was bantering with Moxie when he got a call from Stolas on his phone. He said bye to everyone for the night and headed towards his office. You decided to follow behind him without him noticing and stood outside the door in the hallway. You listened in on the conversation.

"Yes, I'll be coming over tonight with the book...oh yeah? Did you have something in mind? Oh goddammit...Is your wife gonna be home or is the front door a viable port of entry? No that wasn't a euphemism...You're not stretching my ass tonight, i've got work in the morning...So around 10ish...oh greeeeat, see you then I guess." Blitzo sighed as he got off the phone and got up from his desk. Before he could exit the office, you leaned up against the wall, pretending to scroll through your phone. You caught Blitzo's attention, starting a conversation.

"Hey Blitzo, everything alright? You seem a bit stressed." You asked, trying to get him to talk about him and Stolas.

"Ugh, yeah I'm fine (Y/N), I'm just on my way to go meet Stolas."

" have you two been doing?" Blitzo sighed before responding.

"About as well as a snowball does in hell. Why?"

"No reason in particular...when are you supposed to go meet him?"

"10. I've got to go home and get 'ready'. He's got some stupid outfit he requested I wear." You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well if you need an out, just text me and I can call you saying I've got an emergency." You managed to get a small smile out of him before being interrupted by Loona.

"I got invited to a party later, wanna come with?" You hesitated before answering.

"I dunno Loona, I've got some stuff to get done around the apartment-" She cut you off.

"Oh c'mon! It would be really fun! And besides, I don't really know anybody except this one person there and I'm socially awkward..." You thought about trying to get more info out of Blitzo but figured knowing the general time they meet was good enough for one day and sighed.

"Sure, sounds like fun. I've gotta head home first though."

"I can pick you up on my way to Stolas' if you want (Y/N)? I'm dropping Loony off anyways." Blitzo offered. You nodded as all of you left the office.

You chose to wear a (Favorite Color) dress and black laced up knee high boots. You styled your hair and put on some subtle makeup and decided you were ready. Blitzo was honking his horn outside your apartment to let you know that he was there. His honking got more intense and you sighed, storming out of the apartment.

You climbed into the van and greeted Loona and Blitzo. He drove like a maniac, but it wasn't anything you weren't used to from him. You watched the buildings flashing by and the people out on the streets of Hell. Before you knew it, you were already there and being shoved out of the car.

"I'll be back to pick you up after I'm done with Stolas. Just be ready." With that, he rolled the window up and drove off. Loona gestured for you to follow her. You noticed her checking her makeup with the camera of her phone before putting it away. You walked inside together. The music was practically vibrating the walls and the room was filled with conversations. You followed Loona as she made her way over to Tex and his girlfriend, the Beelzebub.

"What's up girl? How've you been?" She beamed. Loona took a second to find her words before responding.

"I-I'm alright. I brought a friend! This is (Y/N)." You let a small chuckle out at Loona's awkwardness around Tex.

"Oh hey, (Y/N). You ever been to a hound party before?" You shook your head.

"Can't say I have. It's nice to meet you guys." Tex smiled and nodded. You couldn't believe you were talking to THE beelzebub.

"Well feel free to help yourself to some food, drinks and don't forget to have a good time!" Bee dragged Tex away, wanting to dance. Loona dragged you over to the bar area.

"Let's have a few drinks." You hesitated as she handed you a cup full of what smelled like vodka, but it had been a rough week and you figured why not? One sip turned into multiple shots and as the night went on, you and Loona started to get drunk. Tex waved at you guys and invited you to play beer pong against him and his girlfriend. Loona started to head over but you declined.

"Oh come on. Why so uptight?" She asked.

"I'm not uptight, I just don't want to be so drunk I can't see straight."

"Then why'd you come to a hound party? Most of us have an alcohol tolerance worse than Blitzo." You sighed. Loona knew just how to pressure you into letting loose. This was part of why you chose to hang out with her.

   Her aim was great, but yours on the other hand was not. More and more cups of beezlejuice and your vision was blurring. You felt your head spinning but you didn't care, you were having fun. You and Loona sat down on some stools by the bar. Loona nudged you.

"Dude, that one guy over there has been literally staring at you since we started playing beer pong." You chuckled.


"So? That's all you've got to say?" Loona teased.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if you actually tried flirting with someone a little, maybe you'd get laid and then you'd be a little less uptight about everything, ya know?" You figured it was just the alcohol talking, but you still felt challenged by what she said. Before you could logically think about what to do, your feet were taking you to the hound that had his eyes on you.

"Hey~" You said, a flirtatious tone to your voice.

"Hi. What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/N), but you can call me yours for the night." His face flushed a bit and he smirked.

"Wanna dance?" You gently ran your hand over his shoulder and down his arm a bit.

"Lead the way." You flipped Loona off, joking with her. She laughed and made her way over to Tex to talk some more. You danced with the handsome hound, not afraid at all to let loose and show off a bit. You lost track of time and next thing you knew, Loona was pulling you out of the crowd.

"Blitzo is here." She lead the way outside to where Blitzo was waiting on you guys. Loona climbed into the van, but you hesitated.

"Are you coming?" She asked.

"I think I'm actually going to stay for a bit." Loona looked at Blitzo and he sighed.

"Suit yourself. But seriously, call me if you need a ride, okay?" You nodded and he waved bye. You smiled, this was the first time Blitzo wasn't acting overprotective and actually let you have a little fun and make decisions for yourself.

   You headed back inside to try and find the hound you had been dancing with. You returned for some more dancing, but as you were grinding on him, you began to hear a familiar southern accent.

"Having fun, darlin'?" Before you knew it, your vision shifted and instead of the hound you had been flirting with, it was Striker. You froze, not knowing what to say or do.

"You alright, love?" The hound asked, roping you back into reality. You didn't know what to say or how to react.

"I...I gotta go." You left the hound there, confused. You didn't feel like calling Blitzo because he wouldn't understand why you wanted to visit Striker all of a sudden. Instead, you pulled out your wallet and headed to the elevator station to make your way to the ring of wrath.

Spies and Lies: A Striker x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now