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BTS are the school hot guys; loved by everyone, myself included. I'm Sunmi, the daughter of the biggest mafia don which is unknown to all except the school dean for everyone's safety but I'm a nerd though so I'm a prime target for bullies; them.
They didn't know who I really am and what I'm capable of. I choose studies over friendships because no one can be my friend; apparently no one survives being friends with me. I learnt that when I was 10; I got kidnapped, playing with my friend Yara in a playground. The guard got shot and Yara was killed in front of me because she was deemed an 'unnecessary burden'.

After that happened I transferred schools and I was expected like the adults to move on with life and no trust no one. I attend after school music clubs to avoid having the chauffer and guard escort pick me up at the same time as other kids.
I noticed one of the BTS kids stays now too and practices piano while I practice violin, we have an unspoken mutual agreement to either play together or ignore each other but the second one in will always greet the other with a smile and a bow.
After a while I started to notice he was losing weight so I started to observe him and realised he wasn't eating. I go to the Dean and say kindly "I would like the code for the locker of Min Yoongi please Areum"

 I go to the Dean and say kindly "I would like the code for the locker of Min Yoongi please Areum"

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She nods and informs me it without question. When I get home I tell the maids that I want them to start making me a lunch each morning to take to school with me.
The next day I arrive early as always at 7am so I can practice drums or guitar and I put the lunch in Min Yoongi's locker before going to the music rooms.
Classes go on as normal, things being thrown at me and the teachers doing nothing about it. At lunch I spot Min Yoongi sceptically opening the lunch box and looking curiously at all the food.

He is the quiet one of the lot but his face is expressive as he tries all the food with interest. I mentally note the foods he doesn't like and I smile happily that he is eating.
The lunch box didn't go unnoticed; Kim Seokjin (or just Jin as the school calls him) teases him about having an admirer and the others follow suit.
Yoongi gets a pink tinge of embarrassment to his cheeks but it doesn't stop him eating happily. While I turn my attention back to the book I'm reading a plate full of spaghetti Bolognese lands on my hair and cascades in chunks down my back and front.
I freeze, understanding that it's probably the queen bee Ailee and then a carton of milk follows it as she says sarcastically "Oops, I thought you were the trash can, since you are rubbish"

I don't even look up as the cafeteria erupts into laughter. I simply stand and retreat to the gym where we have lockers. I keep changes of clothes in mine, towels and toiletries too for these such occasions.
I sigh as I reach the lockers, punching in the code and retrieving a change of clothes, this was a daily occurrence by now. I hear a gentle, deep male voice behind me "Are you ok Sunmi?"
I say without looking "Perfectly normal, I'm used to this now" I'm about to enter the girls showers when I realise the person knew my name.

I turn around and look up to see Kim Taehyung standing looking sad at me. I ask "How do you know my name? No one knows my name, not even the teachers get my name right, only the Dean knows me"
He says quietly "You were my chemistry partner last year. I'm sorry this happened, we can tell her to stop"
I shrug and say "Why? Forget me, I'm used to this. Why make everyone stop torturing me when it means someone else will be the new target instead. All bullies need a victim; even BTS and I'm tougher than you would think. I don't want your sympathy Mr Kim, I don't even want your acknowledgment. I just want to study, I deserve what happens to me"

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