No Sickness Can Kill a Queen

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


This is my first Lunar Chronicles fanfiction but not my first time writing fanfiction for other worlds. I really put a lot of thought into the plot of this story and everything is strung together so nothing will be loosey goosey.

Please be respectful and not make too many harsh comments if that is alright. It is very much appreciated. If you have any feedback please do not hesitate to let me know.

This story is thirty four long chapters with an epilogue at the end. I will post every Monday either early in the morning or in the evening. It just depends.

This is a Lunar Chronicles AU and I hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter One: No Sickness Can Kill a Queen

All of Luna has been silent, patiently waiting to hear the status of the queen. Suspense has been hanging over everyone's heads since the moment the queen got regolith poisoning three months earlier.

Some want Queen Channary to die and Princess Levana to take the throne as she has been ruling in the queen's absence over the last few months. While others want the careless queen to rule again because anyone would be better than Levana, who instituted life changing laws that affected the lives of so many of the poor. She has already destroyed some of the only good left in the lives of so many in the outer sectors. If she rules until Princess Selene is old enough, who is to say what will happen? Then there's the rest, who are impatiently waiting for Princess Selene to become queen because even at her young age, she is looking promising for being better than her successors and ruthless aunt.


I let out a painful cough as the nurses rush in to change the flowers placed beside me and place a tray of delicate fruit and cream on my lap. It's nice, being waited on more than ever and not having to worry about this bloody kingdom.

I smile as I chew on a sweet blueberry. The doctor comes in as I am eating and I groan. Can I never get two minutes of peace? These fools think they can just storm in like they own the place. Fortunately, I am queen and I can do something about it. I smile at the thought.

The doctor, a rather young woman with glowing golden hair and soft green eyes looks at me hesitantly for a moment. She is rather beautiful but of course, not as beautiful as me. No one is as beautiful as me.

She bows and glances at the clipboard in her hands. "Your Majesty. How are you feeling?"

I let out a disbelieving laugh. Like she even cares. Nobody on this moon cares. It's all an illusion. "I am feeling much better other than a cough."

The doctor smiles and looks at her clipboard again. "I have fantastic news, Your Majesty. You are perfectly fine to get back to your duties but you will have a cough for a while." She bows again and leaves.

I groan. Great. Get back to your duties, your Majesty, for you are queen. A queen shouldn't have all these responsibilities. A queen should just get all the wealth, finery and glory while her cronies do all the work. I smile at the pleasing thought of never having to make another bloody decision for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll have Selene do all the decision making to prepare her. Of course she is only two years old. I frown. Great, I'll have to wait until she is of age.

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