First Lesson

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


Okay, so now, the story is going to get back into gear. I hope you like it! :)



Chapter Ten: First Lesson

Today is the day.

I can't contain my giddiness as I rifle through my closet, finding a dress I have not yet worn. I really should have new ones made, but I just had fifty made for my precious daughter.

Her parade still needs to be arranged, as well as her celebratory feast and the message with her in it that will be broadcast.

Much to do for the little princess. It's almost too much work.

I guess I can manage just this once. After all, soon, she'll be doing all the work for me.

I smile wide, finding a delicate, slightly inappropriate dress to wear. It's emerald green with a simple design but it shimmers like a thousand diamonds. It's perfect.

I call my maids, standing impatiently in front of the mirror as they dress me. I mess around with my glamour to see what will work with the dress, choosing simple gloss on the lips, dark green eyeshadow, and a lightly powdered glow.

A knock sounds at my bedroom door, and I glance in the mirror to see one of my guards standing there, slightly embarrassed. My maids finish with the hem of the gown, scurrying away like obedient rats.

I turn towards my guard, loving how the dress glides and moves as I do so. I arch an eyebrow in his direction, prompting him to speak, as I step off the platform I'm standing on and walk over to my bed where a tray of berries rests.

He clears his throat, regaining his bearings, looking anywhere but at my dress. I smile, knowing full well what this dress does to any man on this rock.

"Princess Selene has requested to enter."

I nod. "Let her come in, of course." I grab a few berries, sucking on them as he leaves. In his place, my daughter walks in, dressed in a yellow dress, wearing her silver boots and gloves, and with her hair curled in a ponytail, high on her head.

The yellow brings out her brown eyes and complexion, making her slightly more beautiful than she actually is. I scoff, motioning for her to come forward.

She hesitates before obeying. I grab hold of her chin, turning her face this way and that, taking in her clear, soft skin. I smile.

"Looks like you are starting to grow into your beauty my dear. Don't worry, sweetheart, soon you can be the second most beautiful Lunar on this rock. Today is your first day of glamour lessons."

I let go of her chin and she rubs away the leftover redness caused by my tight grip. I see slight pain in her eyes, but she is good at hiding it. "Yes, mother."

"Come, we must be going. You are going to see the best teacher in all of Luna. She teaches Winter and she taught me when I was your age."

She nods, staying silent next to me as we walk out of my bedroom into the living room. We exit my chambers altogether, guards trailing behind.

I walk a little fast for Selene to keep up on her unsteady feet, but she manages. She'll make a great puppet.

I smile down at her and she looks up at me with confused brown eyes, returning my smile with a bright one of her own. "Now, Selene, I expect greatness from you. You are a Blackburn after all."

And just as quickly as it had come, the smile vanishes, eyes cloudy with a hint of sadness. "Yes, mother. I hope I do not disappoint you."

"So do I, dear, so do I."


I fiddle with the sleeve of my glove, pulling it up as high as it will go. I feel Miss Heavendine's scanning eyes on me, and it's making me rather uncomfortable.

She's an old hag, but she's made herself look fifty instead of a hundred. It's one of the many perks of the Lunar gift.

When I entered the room in one of my favorite dresses out of all fifty, she shook her head and spun me around to only say: "We've got work to do, young lady."

What in all of Luna does that mean? I may be new to being a princess, but are you supposed to say that to the princess and in front of the queen?

Not that my mother cares though. She just hopes I'm powerful enough to cover up who I am now.

I have the worst mother imaginable.

"Now none of that, Princess Selene." She slaps a ruler under my chin forcing me to meet her eyes. "None of that pouting business. Do you want to be here?"

"I wasn't given an option." I narrow my eyes at her, slapping the ruler away from me. I'm sick of people hurting my chin. I'm sick of people treating me any less than what I am.

A Princess. Then why in the stars am I treated like garbage?

She smiles at me, placing the ruler on the table. I give her a pointed look, confused as to this sudden change in her mood. "Better."

She stands, motioning me to do the same. I clumsily stand, the chair skidding away from me. I smile at her sheepishly, putting it back into place. Better. What could be better?

She rounds the table, circling me again as I stare at her, ever confused. I cross my arms, huffing as I grow impatient.

She grabs my chin gently, but I flinch all the same. "You have fire, my dear princess. You just need to light it."

She pats my cheek, leading me to stand in a small painted circle in the center of the room. "That fire you contain will help you survive on this rock. Your aunt, Levana, possessed it."

Her gaze turns pained and hateful. "Only, she used it to aid her pain and suffering caused by your mother. Let's hope you use it to aid this rock. We need a true leader."

"But my mother is a true leader."

She laughs mischievously. "Oh no dear. It's might for you to become the queen Luna needs."

An uneasy feeling builds in my stomach. "What do you mean?"

All she does is continue smiling. "Hold your hands out in front of you."

I sigh, doing as she says while pondering what's been said. What fire? I find it ironic that my aunt possessed a fire and used it by actually setting fire to the nursery.

Oh my stars. Will I become like Levana? If I do possess this fire?

"Now, close your eyes and imagine your gloves as a bright pink."

Closing my eyes, I scrunch my face up weirdly, confused as to the point of this exercise. "I don't see what this has to do with developing my abilities."

"Hush now."

I feel a tingling deep down inside me, something stirring.

"Open your eyes dear." I open them, staring at her. Her eyes are alight with excitement and she nods at my outstretched arms.

My gloves are bright pink when a moment ago, they were a glimmering silver. I look up at Miss Heavendine with a mixture of confusion, excitement, and glee.

I did it on my first try. How is that possible?

"A powerful fire roars inside you, Selene, lit by your abilities that have been silent for far too long. You are destined to be the most powerful of the Blackburns."

I look at the bright pink, letting the illusion drop.

"Now, let's begin your lessons. This is a start, but you have much to learn." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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