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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


I know you might get sick of seeing the summary every chapter but I don't care. I think it is nice to have a refresher about what the story is about. If it annoys you then just skip it but don't skip the entire message, please.

Sorry this is a day late. I thought I would be able to edit it over the weekend but that wasn't the case and it's been hectic with the end of the school crap.

Anyways, here is chapter two. . .


Chapter Two: Fire! Fire!

My heels click with the sound of authority and it satisfies me greatly. I walk with a candle in front of me and my guards walking the appropriate distance behind me. I turn a corner and go down the marble hall lined with large glass windows on one side and doors on the other. I smile at the windows, remembering how I fantasized about throwing Selene out of one of them almost a year ago.

Turning another corner, doors line the walls on either side and I clear my mind of the gleeful thought. This plan of action is better than the window scenario and I must remain focused. I open the last door on the left and inside, Winter and Selene play happily with the same incompetent nurse from a year ago. She deserves what's coming.

I watch from the doorway as Selene dashes into her playhouse, barely avoiding the stuffed animal Winter threw at her. It bounces off of Selene's calf and lands harmlessly on the floor. Selene laughs and Winter whines from her place on the other side of the door. What sort of game involves young ladies throwing their belongings around?

The nurse laughs as she watches Winter huff, pick up the fallen toy and enter the playhouse after Selene. I clear my throat and when the nurse sees it's me, her smile disappears.

Her bow is clumsy and her face grows redder but the second. "Your Highness,"

I clench my jaw. It should be Your Majesty. "I have come to collect Winter for her appointment."

She looks confused. "Oh, I am sorry, Your Highness. When the Princess's father came in this morning to drop her off he said for me to take her to her appointment because both of you would be busy when the time came."

"Of course, but now my schedule is now free so I am here to take Winter to her appointment." I say pointedly. The nurse retreats a little with terror in her eyes.

"O-of c-course. Y-yes, Your Highness." She enters the playhouse and seconds later, Winter comes out. Winter reaches me, closing her tiny, soft hands around my cold, rough ones. Selene pokes her head out of the curtain door with wide innocent eyes before she comes running out with Winter's stuffed animal in hand. She gives the toy to Winter before running off into the shelter of the playhouse.

Oh young, sweet Selene. How sweet you are for thinking of Winter. I rip the stuffed animal from Winter's hands and I throw it against the wall to our right. Her bottom lip starts to tremble but I could care less. Evret isn't around so I don't have to pretend how much I dislike the little brat.

"You don't need that thing anymore, Winter. You are too old to play with such baby toys. Nurse!" I yell and Winter flinches beside me, her grip only tightening around my hand.

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