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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


I am super sorry that this chapter is late. I have not really been in the mood to write lately for whatever reason but now I'm back after a little break! This chapter is also kind of a nonsense chapter which I have no idea why I added it into my outline but I did. I think that's why I had such a hard time writing it. I was considering just deleting this chapter all together but I had something semi-good already written. I hope you enjoy it! :)



Chapter Nine: Cinder

I watch, hopeless and trapped, as Violet enters the playhouse in a daze, a candle just given by my cruel, psychotic aunt in her hand. I scream out in warning, all sound muffled as if I'm underwater, as the blanket thrown over the glassless window catches fire.

I look, stomach sinking, as Violet is sleeping away, oblivious to the rapidly spreading fire. Little me's eyes are half open, watching in confusion before drifting off into a painful and sweaty sleep.

I feel a few tears run down my face as the first of the flames skim over my little feet, my little face scrunching up in shock and pain but otherwise falling still. My breath becomes short when the flames finally engulf me, spreading up my body after being tired of teasing me.

I watch as little me cries out in pain, breathing coming up short, and I start to wither. Open your eyes! Run! Get out of here!

I finally look away when I see my skin turning an ugly black, skin and muscle sizzling. Half of my left foot is already gone. I turn, tears flowing down my face as I run away from the horror of reality.

Except I don't make it super far. It's like running in water. I trip over rubble, smoke filling the air. Time had seemed to move forward in my rush to leave.

I look around, trying to see through the smoke. I cough, waving it away only to find myself looking at little me, almost unrecognizable. My hair is gone as well as two of my limbs. A lot of my skin is burned away, leaving damaged tissue and muscle. The playhouse barely stands, smoking and rickety as it sways.

I take a step forward but my movement seems to make it worse, the structure finally collapsing onto me, blocking most of me off from the rest of the world. It's a miracle I survived.

Having a hard time breathing in all this smoke, I turn again, running toward the exit only to be blocked off by a group of onlookers. I'm pushed back into the room, falling until I lay next to my little self. I see my tiny body breathe, chest barely rising as the playhouse shifts, something rolling next to my hand. I look down, screaming. It's my left hand, cut off from the rest of me.

I continue screaming as I peer up between the playhouse remains, into my little face, heavily damaged. I close my eyes, sick from all the crying and smoke still hanging in the air.

I open them to see my little self has moved, kneeling in front of me awkwardly, damaged eyes staring into me. She moves forward, grabbing her missing hand to stroke it against my check, her mouth opening up in a twisted smile.

I freeze, inhaling the smell of charred flesh and feeling it against my smooth, wet cheek.

"Born . . . from . . . the . . . cinders. . ." My younger self utters, having trouble speaking with missing pieces of flesh from my mouth. "as . . . a . . . broken . . . phoenix . . . ready . . . to . . . take . . ." Her eyes flutter shut, collapsing against me. I jump, pushing her off of me. I stand, the room twisting and turning as I try to focus on one thing. Everything starts spinning at a rapid rate until I collapse from the dizziness, a silent scream still lodged in my throat.

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