Cyborg for a Lunar Princess

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


Hey ya'll. Sorry that it's late, AGAIN! It's been a hectic weekend with preparing for finals so never got around to finishing and editing the chapter even though I am supposed to be on a damn schedule. Of course, being on a schedule at the end of a school year never works out but I'll keep pretending until I get back on track. So, as a treat, I would post another chapter just to make up for being late, again, but I have to try and stick to my schedule with all of my other fanfiction works.

Oh, and I was supposed to start and post another TLC fanfic two weeks ago but I totally forgot about it so that is behind schedule as well. So I need to write two chapters of that and post as well as this chapter and chapter 4 in order to be caught up. Well, hopefully. . .

Oh, if you would comment about literally anything that would be great! Support or criticism is always good! :)



Chapter Three: Cyborg for a Lunar Princess

I gently keep my hand on young Selene's shoulder as the guards carrying her, my partner, and I rush to the medical wing. As we enter, the busy doctors stop to stare as we rush past before nervously going back to their work.

I'm deeply worried that the young girl won't survive considering the severity of her burns. I hope she makes it because she is the future of Luna, after all. We absolutely cannot allow Her Highness, Princess Levana, to rule as well as Her Majesty, Queen Channary, to continue her careless reign.

We enter a lab with monitors lining the walls, several operating tables and a large suspension tank in the middle.

"Place her on that operating table!" I say to the guards as I walk towards some of the monitors. "Christine, grab the supplies!" I point in the direction of some of the cabinets, and my partner starts rifling through them, looking for the right tools.

I hurriedly turn on the monitors and enter in my password as the guards gently situate the young princess on the operating table. They leave immediately, hoping to get away from the deformed girl as soon as possible. The site is revolting and makes me want to lose the little food I ate this morning.

The monitor finally loads with my information and opens up a new file, uploading the current state of Selene before we start operation. My fingers fly across the screen as Christine finishes putting the supplies on a cart next to the operating table. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her glance nervously and cautiously at the form before turning away with a disgusted look on her face. Poor, sweet Selene. She doesn't deserve this.

I finish entering in the data and slide the screen across until it appears on all the portscreens in the room. I look up at the large one on the wall over Selene's body as I walk over to the table. Christine has supplies ready in her hands.

I put on a mask that she has in her hand then gently place an oxygen mask over the nose and mouth of young Selene. We hook her up to several monitors to make sure she is holding steady. Christine and I gently put a cold, wet rag over the burned body to clean it slightly before putting ointment on top. We wrap her gently in cool rags to help let the ointment sink in before leaning back to look at her for a minute.

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