Sleeping Beauty Has Awakened

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What if Queen Channary recovered from regolith poisoning? What if the fire happened but they arrested Levana and found Selene still alive? She was kept in a tank for several years until she was strong enough to have the surgery. Channary teaches her how to use her powers and starts hiding her cyborg parts. She learns of all Channary wants her to learn for when she is queen.


Chapter Eight: Sleeping Beauty Has Awakened

I feel so heavy. Groaning, I turn my head, wanting to smother my pillow, but end up bashing my head into the wall. I yelp, sitting up and rubbing the bruised part with my right hand. I open my eyes, closing them quickly at the blinding overhead lights.

Huh, that's odd. It should be dark under the tent. Now that I think about it. . .

I place my hands on either side of me, bouncing up and down slightly. I scrunch my face up, confused. Why am I in a bed?

I look around the room, dread settling in my stomach. White walls, monitors, curtains drawn, blinding lights? I look down. White sheets and a blue hospital gown.

This isn't the nursery tent. Where's my nurse?

My head is pounding from where I bashed it, and I raise my hands to rub it when a flash of shimmery metal dances in my vision. I freeze, focusing on the metal.

It takes two seconds to realize it's my hand before I scream, loudly. A doctor, probably mid thirties, bursts into the room with a messy clipboard and wide eyes. I stare at her, panicking as I raise my hands towards her, unable to form words.

What happened? Why am I in the hospital? Why is my hand metal?

She presses a button near the door, coming to my side quickly. She kneels down, setting her clipboard on the nightstand next to me, having to move fresh flowers out of the way.

My breathing is coming short and shallow as another realization hits me smack in the face. My arms are a lot longer than they were before. Wiggling my toes and bending my legs, I let out another small scream at the size of them.

Thrusting the blanket away, another scream escapes my throat. My whole left leg is metal just like my hand. Bursting out a cry-like sound, I pause to realize no tears have fallen. No tears have even formed. I definitely should be crying right now.

I turn to see the doctor staring at me with concern, placing a hand on my metal leg. I move my leg towards the side of the bed in order to get away from her grasp, but I end up falling off the bed and into her lap. I'm terribly unbalanced, my left leg so much heavier than my right.

She lets out a tiny squeak as my metal leg collides with her shoulder, half of me on the bed with the other half on top of her. I smile uneasily, breathing still abnormal as I try and process everything that's going on.

"Sorry, Princess Selene, let me help you." She shifts positions, sitting on her knees as she helps me back into bed. I lean against the wall, propping up my pillow as she adjusts my legs on the bed.

My bottom lip trembles, my eyes failing to cry. Her gaze softens, and she sits on the side of the bed, keeping her hands to herself this time. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness. You must have a million questions."

I open my mouth, taking a moment to get my muscles working long enough to form words. When I speak, it comes out as a croak before I stop, confused. I've always been chatty but I haven't been educated enough to know how to speak full sentences. It appears I now know how to speak properly. Well, I am a lot bigger than when I was last awake. "What happened to me?"

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